|1| She Saw a Shooting Star Fell Part 1: The Great Escape

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Opening Song:


"Year 2100 AD the world is deeply affected by global issues such as over population, health problems, food scarcity, land diversions, pollution, climate change, poverty, and other global issues that needs humanity to transfer into another place where there is abundant resources." 

"And so, at that same decade, people started their plans to solve hunger and overpopulation. And they launched them, the so-called Space Countries. These so called space countries are artificially made planets by man. Made by man themselves, compared to Earth, it is smaller like a moon and with the help of Science it has what like the Earth has."

"People started to migrate and have a living in these space countries and soon after, after many decades, groups of space countries are completely established

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"People started to migrate and have a living in these space countries and soon after, after many decades, groups of space countries are completely established. Later than the same year of 2100 AD, there are more than 13 space countries floating in the solar system."

"At the same years, technology became advance, that is, specially if its made for military purposes which gains military control and made fear to mankind."

"A so called Robosuits were invented by Ozone space country. These Robosuits are robots built for wars which are driven by its trained pilot. Technologically advance, these Robosuits can annihilate an entire space country in an overnight."

"Tides became bitter when the Ozone space country, the 13th space country, built so many Robosuits and trained so many pilots to establish power and fear to both the space countries and Earth. Until the day came that it was the day that Ozone Space Country became "Ozone Empire"

 Until the day came that it was the day that Ozone Space Country became "Ozone Empire"

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"In 2120 AD, when the menace began. The Ozone Empire uses its advance technology of Robosuits in Military and became the most powerful space country in the solar system. The Ozone Empire completely controls the solar system both the 13 space countries and Earth Federation countries. It is just like the Roman Empire during classical times. Even the Earth Federation (Planet Earth's United Nations) cannot stand against the Ozone Empire's will and power to control both the space countries and the planet Earth."

The Last Genius: Ang Huling HenyoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora