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sorry for the sudden change of brainrot, am now having a fight with some gold rn so here i am writing jojo— also i was still hungry for more transported into jojo fics so here i am.

anyways enjoy the shitty writing. its my first time writing jojo so OOC is expected.


chapter contains: mentions of death/suicide. blood, vague(?) gore, murder.


You were not one for acting, yet you were the center of a stage— forced to play an unknown script.

You did not know what, but something had grasp you tightly to stick to the script. Forever bound to say the lines you did not want to say, taking steps you did not want to take, and so on.

Perhaps this was God's way of punishment when you had taken your own life.

You expected punishment either way, so you never questioned it when you felt like you were being controlled, smiling so widely and faking your cheerful persona to others.

It felt like you were a spectator to your own body.

You could still feel emotions despite your unwilling actions and words said to the people you interacted.

Majority of the time, you felt hurt. You wanted to cry when people told you to shut up, want to scream whenever you get left behind again. However, all you could was shed a single tear behind the cemented mask.

You hated this. It felt like you were back in your previous life— the very same reason why you took your own life. Now, it came back full circle, taunting you as fate pulled you up with its strings, like puppeteer performing a play.

Of course, like a play, there would always be breaks in between for actors to take a break. There are times where you could be yourself, taking off the fake persona and enjoy the new life you were living.

Although, it was short-lived, as you were automatically being put into the stage yet again whenever certain people showed up.

You had found this out recently, the moment you saw a certain person randomly on the streets just minding their own business, you would be put back into play as your legs ran toward them against your own will.

Staying home would be your answer to avoid them, but you would feel immense pain all over your body as if someone wanted you to get out.

It felt like you were slapped, stabbed, burned—  everything. Trying to break away from the 'stage' led to this consequence.

Nevertheless, you found yourself savoring the times where you would get a 'break' from whoever was controlling you.

That was until, you did something stupid. So stupid, that you actually found out that you were living in a fictional world.

You remembered that.....horrifying event clear as day. It was during one of your 'breaks', you were just wandering around eating your gelato at night.

You did not know where you were going, but you did not care. You would always find your way back home no matter how lost you were.

As you were walking, you heard screams coming near you. Your blank mind quickly died down as you realised you were walking in an abandoned neighbourhood.

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