With the problem solved you stayed up talking with boys until about half an hour before the sun rose since they had to go to sleep.
"Wait- you guys sleep in coffins." You stated
"Actually, we sleep hanging upside down." Paul corrected.
"Oh. Well, how am I meant to do that exactly?"
The boys laughed. You didn't know if it was because of the image of you sleeping hanging upside down or if you were being stupid.
"You aren't." Well, that was cleared up quickly "Remember how there used to be a hotel above here? A few of the beds somehow survived when it fell through." David explained.
"Oh. Right. Forgot about the hotel." You say with a slight laugh.
David walked over to a thin-looking curtain that was hanging from a small ledge of stone close to the ceiling and told you to follow him, which you did. He pulled the curtain aside to reveal a double bed. It wasn't made and half of the duvet was hanging off the edge as well as a few pillows on the floor but besides that, it looked reasonably comfortable.
"Sorry it's a mess," he said.
"It's alright," you say as you picked up the pillows and tossed them onto the bed. To be honest, you didn't mind, a bed is a bed and it's not like making it would take that long.
It wasn't like you could blame the guys for it not being perfect, they didn't have a use for it and so never had a reason to make it after all. You noticed as David looked over to the entrance and saw the sky getting lighter by the second before he looked back at you.
"It's okay, you guys can go bed. You don't have to wait for me to sleep." You say with a small smile.
You saw them all nod and smile. You all said goodnight to each other before you watched them walk away into what you guessed was a deeper part of the cave. You quickly straightened the duvet and arranged the pillows before climbing into the bed and drifting off to sleep.

You awake the next day slightly shocked at the surroundings as you had nearly forgotten where you slept the previous night. Once you had properly woken up, you swung your legs over the edge of the bed and got off of the mattress. The sun was already pretty high in the sky and so you look over to your wrist to check the time. It was 3 pm. You had to get home. You thought about going to wake up the boys to tell them where you were going but decided against it since they probably needed the sleep. Plus you didn't even know where they slept. You'd explain why you left to them later. You grab your bag and start the very long walk home.

"Sorry I didn't come home last night," you say as you stepped inside
"Where were you?" Your mom asks
"With some friends." You rushed through an explanation of what happened last night and why you weren't home earlier, luckily your parents didn't mind too much and just told you to remember your keys in the future and so you headed upstairs to your room.

You changed into some clean clothes before going back downstairs. You made sure to grab your keys and put them in your bag before you went outside and to the comic store. You hoped that the Frog brothers wouldn't mind that you were a little late too much. Luckily they weren't and Edgar and Alan joined you at the counter for the first few hours which you didn't mind. Eventually though, they had to leave so you all said your goodbyes and you settled into a comic behind the counter and waited for customers to ask for your help.

It was later than usual but that was to be expected as it was getting closer to summer but after a while, four very familiar faces entered the building and you smiled at them as they made their way towards you, hugging each person in turn once they had reached the register.
"Where did you go this morning?" Marko asked
"Oh, I had work... as you can see," you said with a slight laugh "I would've told you but I didn't think that would be a good idea"
All the boys nod, confirming your suspicion
"When do you finish?" Paul asked, leaning onto the counter
You look at the clock on the wall before poking back at the four boys in front of you "in just over an hour"
The boys look at each other as if they were having another silent conversation among themselves
"Do you mind if we get something to eat and meet you somewhere when you've finished?" David said in a certain tone so that you knew he was talking about blood
You nod and smile "yeah that's fine. Do you know where you're planning to go or?" You dragged out the 'or' a bit "if not, I can meet you guys at like a restaurant or something like that?"
Everyone shrugged and you all discussed it a bit further, eventually agreeing to meet up at a local pizza restaurant. You said goodbye to the four and waited for the end of your shift.

Soon enough it was time to close the shop for the night. You quickly tidy the shelves and swept the floor before you locked the doors and headed in the direction of the Hideaway Pizza restaurant. Once you had arrived you sat down and ordered some food since you didn't know how long the boys were going to be and you were practically starving as you hadn't eaten much all day. Surprisingly you spotted the group of vampires entering the building a few minutes after the food arrived and waved them over to your table. The boys came over and began chatting among themselves as you ate.

When you finished paying for the food, you and the guys went and sat on the beach for a short while before you had to leave. You no longer protested everyone's offers to take you home and instead just climbed onto the closest bike, which happened to be Dwayne's.
"Ready?" He asked after he had climbed on in front of you
"Yep," you said wrapping your arms around him
And with that, the bikes sped down the road in the direction of your street.

Once you had reached your house you climbed off the vehicle and gave each of them a hug before heading in the direction of the door and stepping inside.
"Bye!" You shout before you shut the door, hearing a similar farewell from each of your friends
You heard their bikes race away as you climbed the stairs and entered your bedroom. You changed into comfortable sleepwear and got in bed, falling asleep quickly and easily.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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