Chapter 1: First day of school

Start from the beginning

Violet placed Joey down and goes to the kitchen while bringing her empty plate back into the kitchen. She places the plate into the sink and peeks over Heather. She saw as Heather cuts the chocolate cake and places them into two empty plastic containers. Heather then placed the containers into a small paper bag.

"Here, give them to Jared and Vlad when you see them, just a small treat." Heather smiled and hands the paper bag to her. Violet takes the paper bag and sighs a little.

"Don't I get some? You know how much I love chocolate cake Aunt Heath!" Violet begged her guardian with a sad puppy face. Heather chuckles and nods at Violet.

"Here! I know you were going to do that puppy face if I don't give it to you!" Heather chuckles as she hands Violet a plastic container. "I also prepared you another sandwich, cheese and tomato."

"Wah! Thanks a lot Aunt Heath!" Violet jumps with excitement and hugs her guardian tightly. Heather laughs before patting Violet's head asking her to let her go. Violet smiles like a child that just got their favorite ice cream. Violet then looks at the time and run towards the door after saying goodbye to her guardian and taking her schoolbag.

She also waved at her two cats that meowed at her and followed her to the door before sitting at the porch, watching their owner walks down the street. Violet sighs happily as she places the plastic container inside her schoolbag. The air is so refreshing; the sky is bright blue with white clouds in many shapes and sizes. The birds are singing, or more like tweeting on the branches of the trees.

It was a beautiful day for... the first day of school. That thought made Violet become gloom. First day of school. Bullies, school works, tests, quizzes... Mother Devil; what Violet had called her scary and strict headmistress. She let out another sigh but this time a harder one.

She passes a house that she recognizes very well. She walks up to that house and before she could be able to knock the door, it swings open revealing a tall and handsome guy. He smiled at Violet as her face is now bright red.

"Morning, Violet! How you been, bestie?" The guy asked her as he winks at her. It’s been a while since Violet heard his voice and it melted her heart when she heard it. Violet tries to find words to answer his question as she tries to act cool also.

"Uh, I've been fine, J..Jared! A..and you?" Violet stammered as she answers him. The guy named Jared smiled at her and ruffles her hair.

"Yeah, I've been great! You wanna walk together to school?" He asked her and she answered with a nod and a blush. "Okay, cool, now let’s wait for Vlad. Yo! Vlad! Are you done? Or having a date with your scrambled eggs?" Jared called to his brother, Vlad. Vlad comes up to the front door seconds later.

"Yeah yeah, I'm here. Oh? Violet, hi." Vlad said simply as he saw Violet. Violet smiles at them. Jared and Vlad had been her best friends since kindergarten. Jared is in eleventh grade while Vlad is the same as her. No matter where they are, they're always together, well mostly Vlad and Violet since Jared is two year different than them. Jared also had been Violet's crush since fifth grade. He saved her from bullies that were going too far with her books. Jared protected her so well at that time that the bullies won't dare to get even within a meter from where she's standing, or sitting.

Jared is carefree, kind, intelligent, funny and popular for his 'charming looks', tall, well-build body, brown-blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Half of the girls in high school have a crush on him, the freshmen, sophomore, junior, seniors and even the middle school kids. While Vlad, he's mostly silent but he's intelligent and he's also have the looks; tall, fit, short-long black hair, side bangs, and also light blue eyes and yes, popular also. People at times also mistook him for an emo. But yeah, middle-school kids and girls in her grade have a crush on him.

"Oh! Here's some chocolate cake, Aunt Heath baked it this morning." Violet exclaimed as she hands the small paper bag over to Jared. He smiles at her and takes it.

"Hmm, smells delicious! Can't wait to taste it!" Jared chuckles as he goes back in to give the paper bag to his mother. Violet smiles as Vlad look at her.

"You still have that crush on my brother?" He asked her, making her startled from her daydream. Violet blushed as she nods slowly. Vlad nods slowly and looks away. Soon after that Jared came and the three of them starts walking to school. Jared and Violet were talking about the things they did during the summer while Vlad is mostly listening and not talking. After several minutes, they arrived in school.

Violet sighed as she sees Mother Devil standing near the entrance, watching students, old and new, going into the school. As Violet passes her, she gave her a, 'I'll-be-watching-you-Ms. Everett’, look. She mumbled under her breath before Jared laughed. Just because of that small incident, the Mother Devil has been watching Violet like a hawk. It was Sports Day and Violet wanted to bump the volleyball towards her team mate, but she missed and the ball hit Mother Devil right in her face. It made her fall, nearly breaking her glasses.

'She must've still want revenge because of that,' thought Violet in her head. Jared then elbowed her.

"Hey Vi, don't worry, we got your back." Jared then patted her head again as Vlad kept on watching them both. "I'm off! See you guys at lunch! Oh! And guys! Good luck for the first day in high school!" with that Jared went off to his other friends that were waiting for him at the parking lot. Violet gave out a sigh. Oh right, she forgot, it’s her first day of high school. Vlad then gave a pat on her back and smiled. He only smiles at Violet and Jared.

"Don't worry Vi, it'll be all right." He nodded at her before she smiled at him. She nods back and both of them take their first step in their high school section of The South Suleone School.

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