Robin, Marlow and Dustin had been rewinding the tape for nearly an hour now

"Wait, that last part, just one more time." Said Robin pacing up and down the room

"Ok." Said Dustin rewinding the tape again, and the recording continued

"Ok, that word, um..." Robin began clicking her fingers "It's pronounced... dly-nna-ya. Dly-nna-ya, which is spelled... D."

"The chair, the chair looking thinging." Marley said pointing at the board

"Yeah, ok." Said Robin writing it down on a board. Robin stood up and walked over and opened the the little window that opened in to the ice cream parlour.

"We've got out first sentence." She said

"Oh, seriously?" Questioned Steve

"Yeah." Said robin "The week is long." She said in a Russian accent.

"Well that's thrilling." Steve said sarcastically

"I know. But, process." Robin said sliding the window back across, and turning back to Marley and Dustin.

They spent the rest of the afternoon trying to translate, Steve and Robin switching between helping Marley and Dustin to serving ice cream. By the time the mall had shut, Robin, Steve, Marlow and Dustin had managed to translate the whole recording.

"The week is long," They all said reading out the board "the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west.

"I mean it's just, it can't be right." Steve said as he pulled roller down closing up scoops ahoy for the night.

"It's right, honestly I think it's great news."

"How is this great news?" Questioned Marley as they walked through the mall to the entrance.

"I'm mean so much for being American hero's." Steve added

"It's total nonsense." Said Marley

"It's not nonsense." Said Dustin "it's too specific. It's obviously a code."

"What do you mean a code?" Questioned Steve

"like a super secret spy code." Said Dustin

"That's a total stretch." Said Marley sighing,

"I don't know, is it?" Asked Robin

"Your buying into this?" Asked Steve

"Listen just for kicks." Robin began "let's entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What'd you think they were going to say, 'fire the warhead at noon?"

"Exactly." Said Marley

"And is translation is correct." Said robin "and I know that for sure, so 'the silver cat feeds.' Why would anyone talk like that? Unless there trying to mask the meaning is there message."

"Exactly." Agreed Dustin

"And why would anyone masks the true meaning of there message unless the message was somehow sensitive?" Asked Robin

"Exactly." Dustin agreed again, Marley and Steve nodded begging to start believing in what Robin and Dustin were saying.

"So I guess that confirms your suspicions." Robin began

"Evil Russians." Said Dustin

"I can't believe I'm about to agree with this strange child, but, yeah, totally evil Russians." Robin said agreeing with Dustin

"So how do we crack it?" Asked Dustin looking at Robin

"Well I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges."

"A pattern right, like maybe 'sliver cat' is a meeting place?" Suggested Dustin

"Or a person." Added Robin

"Or a weapon." Said Dustin

"It's probably going to take a super genius to crack it, but..." Robin paused looking around "where's Steve?" She asked, Marley and Dustin looked around to see Steve standing next to a horse ride, pulling coins out his pocket, dropping them on the floor.

"Hey Steve?" Called Marley "what are you doing?"

"Oh, it's a quarter. I need, do you have a quarter?" He asked

"You sure your taller enough for that ride?" Questioned Robin as they walked over to Steve.

"Quarter." He said ignoring Robin, Marley threw Steve a quarter and as soon as he caught it he pushed it in to the coin hole.

"You need help getting up little Stevie?" Mocked Robin

"Shh." Steve snapped holding a finger to his mouth. Dustin chuckled "would you two just shut up and listen." The music continued playing as the stood in silent

"Holy shit." Exclaimed Marley as she realised the music was the same one from the recording. "The music." Dustin caught on and reached for his bag and pulled on the tape and played the recording.

"I don't understand?" Said Robin confused

"It's the exact same song on the recording." Dustin explained

"Maybe they have horses like this in Russia." Suggested Robin

"'Indiana flyer,' I don't think so." Said Steve "the code, it didn't come from Russia." Steve looked up at Robin, Dustin and Marlow.

"It came from here." Finished Marley, they all stood in silence staring as the horse continued rocking back and forwards.

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