But Minji has to bring up yesterday's conversation with Hanni for sure and Minji knows it too well. It doesn’t matter what will be the outcome of that. She can break friendship with Minji by leaving Minji alone and that's the worst which can happen. So she should give it a try. But if Hanni leaves her alone it will be over for Minji. How is she gonna stay without Hanni? She is gonna go back to the dark cave where she was 10 months ago. And she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to lose the only light and happiness she has in her life. There is no way she can lose Hanni. But she can't hide what she feels about Hanni either. She can't keep it a secret. And she has to talk about this face to face with Hanni.

"Minji?" Hanni softly calls.

"Hmm?" Minji comes back to reality again.

"What happened to your lips?" Hanni asks again.

"Umm you ki– erm I meant you pu-punched me there last night" Minji shutters.

"What? I punched you?" Hanni shockingly asks.

"Ye-yeah" Minji shutters again.

"Why?" Hanni frowns.

"I refused to give you a piggyback ride. That's why you were mad" Minji scratches her nape.

"Damn I am so violent" Hannu laughs out loudly.

"I am gonna go make some breakfast and coffee for us. Your head is probably hurting. Warm coffee will help with it" Minji gets up from the bed.

"Make sure to add more sugar than your coffee. I don't like my coffee bitter like you do" Hanni throws her body on the bed again after saying that.

"I told you to add some more sugar. I hate bitter coffee" Hanni puts the mug on the table hard, making a sound.

"You know the coffee is great when it tastes bitter, bitter like my soul" Minji tries to be poetic.

"Minji, it's 9 am, I just sobered up and my head hurts too much. Don't make me kick your poetic ass" Hanni glares.

"Geez stop being so violent" Minji says, being annoyed.

Hanni gives a cold look at Minji and goes back to drinking her bitter coffee. She really hates drinking bitter coffee but Minji will never add sugar saying bitter coffee is better. But she doesn’t have energy to fight Minji now since her head hurts a lot. Plus this coffee will help with her headache and that's all that matters.

On the other hand Minji is thinking if she should bring up the conversation. She is tapping on the table slowly. There are hundreds of 'buts' and 'what ifs' coming across her mind. But this is a serious matter. She was trying to push it away a lot before but now she is sure about what she feels. Reason she has to do something. She is feeling something too unusual in her stomach. It feels like she is gonna throw up soon. Clearly she is too nervous just by thinking about it.

Minji looks at Hanni who finishes her coffee and makes a disgusted face. Hanni gets up from the chair and starts walking to Minji's room. While she was about to pass Minji, Minji held her hand and stops her.

"Hanni" Minji says.

"Hmm? What?" Hanni asks confusingly.

"Ca-can we talk about something?" Minji nervously asks.

"About?" Hanni raises her brow.

"Us" Minji feels like she is gonna pass out as soon as she says this.

Hanni confusedly stares at Minji for a while. Then a smile starts forming on her face. Soon Hanni starts laughing softly which takes Minji aback. 

"You are talking like me. I literally said that last night" Hanni says while laughing.

Inseparable [Bbangsaz]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora