"Humans? How come?" I asked

"They were engaged in battle with a group of giant ants, it seems. Rigur and his security detail rescued them and took them here, but...apparently he suspects they are conducting an investigation of the local area. I thought I would come to you for advice..."

I see. So Blumund has already expanded their investigation range from the Sealed Cave to the area around it

"Yosh! Take us to them" I said while standing up, Ciel doing the same

"Hai! Rimuru-sama" He said as he bowed, and then he left the tent, with us following right behind him

After walking for a bit, we started heading to a particular tent, a conversation being heard at the same time

"Wh-whoa! Hey! I wanted that!"

"That's just mean, isn't it? I raised this meat myself!"

"Sir, I regret to inform you that I am not giving up this food!"

"Munch, munch"

At this point, I was getting pretty nervous

Since I would meet her again. The one who gave me my identity

Suddenly, I could feel Ciel's hand getting hold of mine

She was wearing a gentle smile on her face

Seeing that, I couldn't help but smile as well

"M-my apologies, Rimuru-sama. It would seem the ants made off with most of their luggage...and even before then, they had not had a decent meal in some time, so I had some brought to them" Rigurd said as such

"Ah, it's fine. Don't worry about it" I replied

As we were approaching the tent, the hobgoblin guarding it opened the flap for us

The moment we stepped in, I felt all eyes upon me. Four adventurers sat on the ground, their mouths full of assorted meats and vegetables. Their eyes were wide open as they gawked at us

I start looking around, until my eyes fell onto one of the adventurers

Lustrous raven black hair, and a white mask with black markings, with a small red dot in the middle



They sat there for a moment, chewing

I walked inside of the tent, towards a tall seat on one side and sat on it, Ciel sitting beside me

"My guests," Rigurd said as he sat next to me as well "I do hope you are comfortable

here. Allow me to introduce you to our masters, Rimuru-sama and Ciel-sama!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Rimuru Tempest, the leader of this small town" I said

"And I am Ciel, Rimuru-sama's partner. Glad to make your acquaintance" Ciel followed up

"Don't mind us, just continue your meal. We can talk later"

After we said that, they looked at each other before continuing to eat




Some time later, they had finished their meal

"Sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Kabal, the leader of this party, more or less. This is Elen and that's Gido over there. We're adventurers, all ranked B—you know what that means, I imagine?"

"Hi! Elen here!"

"Gido, sir. A pleasure."

After each of their introductions, Kabal started speaking again

(Old ver. Discontinued) A Dream in the Faraway Pastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن