Entry #6

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⭅ September 30; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 9:45 AM ⇾

George's POV

¿Truth or Dare?

I start rummaging through my closet finding something to wear. I overslept today and I'm extremely late for my classes. I'll just wear whatever. It doesn't matter. I put on a light blue turtleneck paired with black ripped jeans and combat boots. I throw on a jacket and later my glasses. I finish getting dressed quickly. My parents haven't called once since they left- not that I care but it would be nice if they decide to check in on me once in a while you know.

I run downstairs and head to my car getting in the driver's seat. I pull out of the driveway starting to drive to school. My phone rings catching my attention. Dream's calling. It connected to the car so I press the button to answer. "Hey Dream, I'm sorry, I'm running a bit late," I say focused on the road.

"Class is canceled today due to the prep rally! Oh, and my game is at 2 so I expect you to be there alright?"

I sigh in relief. "I might skip the pep rally but I'll definitely be at your game" I reassure him with a faint smile.

"Alright, that's great! I'm in the courtyard waiting for you.. my friends are in the gym at the moment, in the prep rally doing god knows what"

"I'm going to be a bit late, you go ahead without me, I will text you when I get there don't worry"

"Hm alright, text me! I need to go find Sapnap"

We exchange our 'goodbyes' as the call ends. I continue to drive soon pulling up in front of a cafe, my usual go-to place. I eye one of my friends and pull down the window. "Hey Bad!" I yell catching his attention. I had texted him a few minutes earlier and he was grabbing some coffee so I offered to pick him up so we can go to school together.

He smiles walking to the car and getting in the passengers seat. "I got you your usual!" Bad says excitedly putting the coffee in the cup holder still drinking his.

"Thank you, I'm running late and completely forgot about the prep rally. I don't think I must be there is it?" I get back to driving to school.

"I mean I doubt it but everyone wants you there since you're the mayor's son"

I groan at that response. "I'm probably just skipping that, I'll definitely be at the game though- Dream wants me to go"

"But you hate football, are you only going because he asked you to?"


"Just a month ago you were telling me how he is such a nuisance"

"I don't know, he's cute"

"And he's gone through girls faster than you can say hey. So if you like him- I suggest you don't, he's got quite the reputation"

"Yeah I know, that's unfortunate. Is Skeppy at school already?"

"Yeah he is"

⭅ September 30; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 10:00 AM ⇾

"You can go find Skeppy, I have to look for Dream. Text me if you need anything" I tell him. He nods and walks the opposite way from me heading to what I'm guessing is either the gym or the auditorium.. the prep rally usually takes place in the gym. I start walking to the courtyard pulling up Dream's contact on my phone.

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