Entry #2

282 10 10

⭅ September 16; Monday ⭆
⇽ 4:20 PM ⇾

George's POV


I sit in the car parked in front of the restaurant debating whether or not I should enter. It's always something different with them. Who knows what it is now...

I turn off the car and step out of the car. I came straight from school so I haven't got a chance to change clothes. I'm wearing sweatpants and a hoodie, today's definitely not my day but whatever. I walk into the restaurant and look around immediately spotting my parents. I head towards them catching their attention. "You look terrible" My mother points out being the first to speak up.

I pull a chair and sit down. "I was in a hurry this morning so I couldn't wear anything decent.. and I didn't have time to change before coming. So what's this about?"

"As you know your mother and I will be leaving on a business trip for a while... and that means you'll have to take care of things here" My dad starts to explain. "You have to work a lot and keep things in order- school and the town should be your first priority"

"Okay.. is that all? I thought we went over that last week, It isn't the first time I've had to act as mayor"

"Besides that, I wanted you to know- you have a few weeks to choose someone to marry before I choose someone for you" My mother adds.

The waiter walks to our table. "Hello! Is everyone ready to order?"

I stand up. "I think I lost my appetite, I'm leaving," I tell them heading out of the restaurant once again, and getting in my car. I'm still getting married at 19 but I wasn't supposed to be choosing anyone anytime soon. What the hell changed?! Why now? I don't have anyone in mind. I know so many people yet I don't want to choose anyone.

I start the car driving to my place. I should invite my friend over. I'm sure Bad is probably available to come.

I continue driving eventually reaching my home. I park the car and pull out my phone. I look at my hand remembering that Dream had written his number on it. This just gave me an amazing idea. I type in Dream's number and proceed to text him a simple, 'Hey it's George' to which Dream responds almost immediately.

Dream :)
Hi! I didn't expect you to actually text me

Well I did
I need a favor...

Dream :)
I called it-
What do you need?

I need you to fake being my boyfriend

Dream :)

Listen- my parents will marry me off to some random chick if I don't find someone fast enough.

Dream :)
You can't ask someone else?
Why a guy?

Because I like dudes
Now, will you help me or not?

Dream :)
Even if I did have a choice
It wouldn't matter because what do I have to lose...
Besides my sanity

I make an exceptional boyfriend!
I swear

Dream :)
That's debatable

Come over in 10 minutes
You know where I live

Dream :)
I'll be there <3

I faintly smile at the little heart and close my phone get out of my car and walk up to the front door. I open it and walk inside to be greeted with bright lights and chilly air. It's good to be home after a long day. I'm so tired and the stairs are so big! It's like a castle in here Jesus. My mom got angry at our previous butler so she fired her. We haven't gotten a new one yet so today there's no one babysitting me and bugging me which feels great but a bit lonely... I hardly ever go out with people. It's very unhealthy for me to stay home all day and every day but oh well. At least I still go to school.

I walk into the main living room dropping onto the sofa.
I don't feel like walking up the stairs unless someone carries me. It's so exhausting, it makes me think why I haven't just moved out yet and started working on myself instead of taking care of a whole town with my parents on some stupid business trip. I think they trust me a little too much. I'm practically innocent in their eyes.

The doorbell rings.

He's here already?

"Come in! The door's open!" I yell loud enough for him to hear so I don't have to stand up. The door opens and I hear footsteps come closer. I continue to stare at the chandelier above me.

"What's up with you?" Dream asks walking closer.

"I'm extremely bored.."

I sit up to let Dream set next to me in which he does still keeping his eyes on me. "If you wanted me to be your boyfriend so bad you could've asked without lying.."

I groan throwing my head back. "I don't like you! Not one bit, I just didn't know who else to ask and Sapnap was out of the question! My mother wants me to inherit her business but I need to be wed and if I don't find someone soon then she'll pair me with a random girl... I already told you"

"So that's true?"

"I have no reason to lie, I'm also extremely out of your league"

"You have a huge ego"

I look over at him making eye contact. "I know"

"Do you though?" He grins leaning in.

"You are such a loser"

"Says you"

Oh, he's bold. This is going to be interesting. I smile looking away from him adding, "You won't have to worry about marrying me- I just need you to be my fake boyfriend long enough until my mother stops trying to find me a partner"

"You're gay right?"

"Is that what you're focused on right now?"

"I don't know- you're all so perfect and can get any girl you want"

Awe he thinks I'm perfect? That's hysterical.

"As the straight, cis and football team's captain- you have no right to say anything. I'm surprised you even agreed to it"

"I thought it would be fun" He shrugs smiling.

"That's so stupid"

"You're stupid"

"I'm going to choke you"

"I'll drown you in your fancy little pool"

I chuckle. "We're going to get along great"

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