The girls looked at each other before each shaking her hand.

"It's really nice to meet you." Brittany said.

"It's my pleasure." Noelani said. "We've had our eye on you girls since the beginning of the season. Santana, you've been on our radar since your sophomore year. When we heard that Honoka'a made it to states, we knew that this would be the perfect time to see you guys in action in person. Especially with the injuries this season. You guys did really well for yourselves."

Santana didn't have anything to say, she was rendered speechless.

"You don't have to say anything, I know that this is a lot. Brittany," She added. "We looked into you once the season started. You had an amazing career in Oklahoma with your old high school. Watching the team grow and how you fell right in was perfect. It was like you had been playing with them for years, and that's something our team really takes into consideration. And plus, you are a fast runner and the team is in dire need for that. Your bunting skills are bar none."

Brittany turned to Santana, who was looking incredibly excited.

"It's not official yet, but the school is going to offer you two full ride scholarships to play here next year. You don't have to give me an answer now, I just thought I'd let you know first. I hope you'll consider us when you two make your decisions. Thanks for your time, and congratulations on your win. I won't keep you two from your team for any longer."

The girls hugged her before they went their separate ways. Before losing sight of her, Brittany caught her running to catch up to Rachel.

"Congratulations you guys! You deserve it. Here's to this next year, big things for everybody. Let's drink!"

Everyone cheered, and started their own conversations.

Rachel was standing on the side of the tent a little ways away from everyone. "San! Britt! Try come please."

The girls walked over and saw that she was on skype with Quinn.

"Hey Q!" Brittany said as she came into view.

"Britt! Why didn't you tell me about your scholarship offer?" Her friend asked.

"It was something I was talking to my mom guys about all week that's why. They're planning on going back to the mainland." Britt answered. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's okay. But there is something that me and Rach wanted to tell you guys too. We.. we also got offered scholarships to UH Manoa. And we also accepted. So it looks like we'll all be playing together next year."

A smile crept up on each of their faces. And in seconds they were screaming with joy. It caught the attention of the rest of the team.

Rachel and Santana went over to let them all know about the good news which left the two best friends in conversation.

"You're really coming down here to play Q?! This is gonna be the best ever!"

"Yeah! Rach was on the phone with me after your guys game and she got approached by that scout. They were talking and that was when she brought my name up and Rachel put me on speaker. Apparently, because you started playing at Honoka'a, they took a look at the rest of the girls on our team too. And they were planning on calling me but it was like perfect timing that Rach called me."

Brittany was overwhelmed. Who knew that this would be the result of her moving to Hawai'i?

"Who else got offered?" Brittany asked. She turned back towards her girlfriend who was now in conversation with Angel. She felt her eyes on her and turned towards Brittany and blew her a kiss. She pretended to catch it and put it in her pocket.

"Tina. But she already got offered by USC so I think she's going to go there."

"USC is a great offer too. Are you excited Q?"

"I'm super fucking stoked B. I didn't think I'd get another chance to play with you. And a division one school? Fuck man. We did it. Remember we told ourselves, that we'd do everything we could to get on one freshman year?" Quinn admitted. "We did it."

Rachel walked back over. "I'm excited too Q. And hell yeah, you really think we wouldn't get to that goal? It's all we've ever worked for. But here's Rach back. And congratulations. To the both of you."

They thanked her and Brittany made her way back over to Santana who was now sitting on her tailgate.

"Hey babe." She told her as she sat next to her. She turned her face towards her and kissed her. The alcohol on her lips made it that much better. "You feeling okay? How come you aren't with everyone else?"

"Everyone's turning in already. You excited babe? I didn't even know that they offered Rach and Quinn too. This is gonna be the best ever."

"I'm so fucking excited." Brittany told her. "But you know what I'm more excited about?"

"What's that-"

But before Santana could say anything else, Brittany's hand was on her thigh, her lips pressed up against her neck.

Santana knew how Brittany could get when she was drinking. Her cheeks immediately got hot, prompting her to start taking her hoodie off.

Brittany kissed her way up towards Santana's ear, whispering "Let's go in the tent."

Santana hopped off the tailgate and grabbed her girlfriends hand leading her into their tent.

Once they were inside, they zipped it closed hastily. Brittany took her shirt off, the cold air engulfing her. She shivered a little.

"Is your back okay? We didn't bring anything." Santana said, immediately rubbing her girlfriends back.

"Yeah. The cold air just caught me off guard." She pulled Santana in for a kiss. "You better be quiet babe, or we're gonna hear it from the girls tomorrow."

"Oh don't worry, I will." Santana said as she kissed Brittany. "We better get some sleep at some time too, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day."

"San, when have I ever not put you to sleep?" Brittany smiled. She turned the lantern off and the girls were... Quiet.

The next day would prove to be the most fun Brittany ever had in Hawai'i.

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