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Everyday you always cross my mind.
I don’t know why, but one thing is certain,
I do really miss you a lot.

But as I think about it,
I ask myself if missing you
and thinking of you is really worth it?
For I don’t know if you feel the same way as I do.

When years ago we became
a huge part of each others’ life,
now I seem to be a stranger to you.

Many times I asked myself,
what have I done that I deserve
to get hurt over and over and over again
by the same reason.

Many times did I also asked myself
if I am that hard to love or that easy to forget,
because people tend to forget
that I ever existed in their lives,
when I never forgot about them.

That moment when you have
to avoid certain persons
because you know you will just end up in tears
and failing yourself again.

I loved you,
and until now I still do.
Because you’re not that easy to forget.
I always care about you,
I always hoped and prayed
that you’ll always be just fine.

Countless times I tried to reach out to you,
but those countless times I ended up ignored/rejected.

Can you imagine how that countless times
broked my heart into millions of pieces
over and over again?
Well I guess no.

You’re too busy for you to notice me,
because who am I to you anyway? Right?
I am just a very trying hard person
to save friendships/relationships.
I gave you importance,
but you gave me the opposite.

So don’t ever wonder
if one day you won’t hear
anything from me anymore,
'cause that might be the time
wherein I already had given up.

And I just want to thank you though
for all the happy and sad,
ups and downs
that we’ve gone through together before.

And thank you,
thank you for keeping on ignoring me,
taking me for granted, rejecting me, and all..

Because that made me much stronger
than I could ever imagine I would be.

Unspoken EmotionsWhere stories live. Discover now