Pen: Let's just get our seat onto the ride immediately, I got to get to my other club.

Black Hole: That... thing looks so dangerous! We made the right call with the trampolines as landing pads team.

Pen: *pant pant* Hey guys... crazy coaster we wound up making huh?


Pen: No, not all of them. Just Puffball, you can blame her for this crazy thing! I just helped make awesome seats. 

Liy: *sigh* That's rather fair, sorry for snapping like that.

Pen: Eh, I'm used to it.

Tree: Remote, Bottle stop playing on the landing pad!

Pen: Ooh! That looks fun! I wanna join!

The rest of Death P.A.C.T. pretty much sits there and watches Pen, Remote and Bottle bounce on their trampoline. Black Hole tilts his head curiously.

Black Hole: I wonder how this is seen as fun...

Bottle: You can bounce with us and learn for yourself!

Black Hole: Hmm, alright. Hyup!


When Black Hole lets himself fall onto the trampoline a big hole is ripped in the center of it and he falls to the ground flat on his back, followed by Remote, Bottle and Pen on top of him (and each other) in that order.

Remote: ugh-

Bottle: Oof!

Pen: ow..

The rest of Death P.A.C.T: Ooooh...

Liy: We should've seen this coming..

Fanny: I hate that we didn't stop him!

Tree: Are you guys okay?

Bottle, Remote, and Pen get off the pile and gather their senses, Black Hole however remains on the grass unmoved.

Bottle: Yeah.

Tree: Black Hole, how about you?

Black Hole: 

Tree: Uhhh... Black Hole..?

Black Hole still doesn't respond, Tree starts to visibly freak out and Remote rushes over to Black Hole and tries to wake him up.

Pen: Uh-hey he's not moving! (and I think his face vanished too)

Remote: Black Hole wake up! If this is revenge for when I froze myself I'm sorry!

Lightning: Stand back, I may not look like it but I know just what to do. CLEAR!


After Lightning zapped Black Hole, black scorch marks are all around him but still lays unresponsive.

Lightning: Darn, he didn't even twitch.

Fanny: What even made you think that would do anything when he'd only absorb it like Spongey to water!?

Four: WhAT's goiNg On hEre!?

Two: Yeah, what happened?

Tree: Thank orchard you two came, Black Hole fell through our trampoline and he's not moving!

Two: Oh no, that's not good.

Four: Bring him over here and I'll take a look at him.

Pen cracks his knuckles and attempts to drag Black Hole out from under the trampoline.

Pen: HHrrrrrg! HRRRRRRGGGHGG! Phew... Well, It was a start.

Fanny: You didn't even move him an inch. >:(

Four: *siiiiiigh* NeVEr mInd, I'll gEt Him MySElf.

Four stretches his arm out to grab Black Hole by his head, pulls him out from below the trampoline and props him on some chair.

Lightning: Woah, How were you able to grab and move Black Hole like that without harm?

Four: Much liKe his KiNd, wE algebrailiens ALsO dEFIne all fORms of lOgic. I hAPPen tO be mORe pOWerfUl thAn him!

Two: In some ways. We are immune to his gravitational pull and can even make physical contact with him.

Liy: Well, is he okay?

Four: He's fInE, hE's nOt inJuRed oR AnYthIng as thAT is phYsicALLy iMpoSible.

Tree: Then why is he unresponsive to any of us?

Four: ASk twO thAT quESTion, they're mOre kNOwegable of BlAcK HOles thAn thE rEsT of US.

Four walks off leaving Two with Death P.A.C.T.

Two: Well I wouldn't say that, but I have spent more time in space then the others and I do know why your friend is out cold. He has simply put himself in a state suspended animation.

Pie: Suspended animation?

Two: Yeah, to black holes it's a bit different then on earth.

Liy: You're gonna have to be more specific.

Two: Oh. You know how you guys explained the mobile advantages of a black hole's humanoid form as well as it being used to move to other parts of a galaxy?

Death P.A.C.T. nods.

Two: Well after that trip some black holes will put themselves in a state of suspended animation for a time, why? I don't really know either.

Remote: How long is her gonna be like that?

Two: Well, that's pretty much up to him to decide. See, black holes can snap themselves out of their suspended animation with ease whenever they feel like it.


Two: Coming! Well I gotta get going, you should probably get this thingy fixed. Toodles!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: What if you wanted to upload two chapters in one day, but your body said "Sleep or else!")

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now