"Unravelled" ⚠️

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But Oj just simply shrugged and nodded, leading Balloon to a nearby, empty hallway.

"So... what's up? You alright, dude?" Oj started, looking down at Balloon sympathetically.
Balloon was unsure, now. He could feel a lump in his throat, he could feel the urge to just forget it and walk away...
But he couldn't hide something that peculiar from Oj. Especially if it really was someone like Mephone who wrote that letter.

Balloon took in a deep breath, and exhaled.
"Well... I regret not... telling you this sooner, but.. one night, a few weeks ago, I went down into the kitchen to just.. get a snack. It was late, and when I turned on the light, I noticed a small envelope on the big table. I got curious, and flipped it over. It.. it uh, it had my name on it."

Balloon paused, bringing a hand behind him, and staring down at the floor.
He then pulled out a piece of paper, and took it out of the envelope, revealing a letter adressed to Balloon.

"You can read it, if you want, but uh... Suitcase and I... we didn't know who it was from, because down at the bottom the signature is just 'B4-" "Blue-four? Mephone wrote this, didn't he?" Balloon froze for a moment. Did Oj just... did Oj just guess in less than a minute what took Suitcase and Balloon WEEKS to figure out? ...Awkward. "I- How did you know that already?! You just looked at it!" Balloon questioned, with frustration. "I just- I mean, it's obvious, the handwriting... spelling... 'Blue four'? It's almost as if he wanted you to know he wrote it, Balloon." Oj handed the piece of paper back, and sighed. Balloon could only take the paper, and slip it back into the note before Oj had opened his mouth to start speaking again. But, when Oj opened his mouth- "WHAT?! Letter from Mephone?! I gotta see this." Oj and Balloon stopped dead in their tracks. They turned, and saw that Trophy had been eavesdropping on them. And he was now currently running on his way to announce the letter to the whole world, apparently. Oj scoffed, and began speeding on after him, Balloon following close behind.

Although, unfortunately, both Balloon and Oj were too late to stop Trophy from spilling everything to everyone.

Oj was stopped in a doorway, holding his knees and panting, already given up, while Trophy was standing on the table, already preparing a speech.

Balloon got that there hadn't been that much drama at all for a while, since everyone had been getting along so well, but the whole professional announcement was a little bit much.
Maybe because it involved Mephone?

Balloon came to a halt, as he stood beside Oj, and then it hit him.
What if everyone takes this the wrong way?
What if they hate him again??
He had only been getting treated better, and people had been starting to like him.

He couldn't just let that miserable life happen again...
Yet, he was frozen in panic, raising his hands to the top of his head, and resisting the feeling of popping.

"Hey everyone here at Hotel Oj, I, Trophy, have a super-hot piece of news for you dwerps!"
Marshmallow groaned, clutching a pillow. She looked a little messed up. Micophone, Salt, Pepper and Apple surrounded her, and they had apparently been like that for a good while. They looked tired.

"Ugh, please don't just be something dumb like, 'OoOoH! KniFE haS A dOra dOlL!!! OoOooOh!!'" Soap mocked, clealy annoyed. Someone had already messed with the microwave, causing a mess. That was already enough to have Soap irritated.

Trophy sneered, "No! We agreed to forget that. I don't care about Knife's damn Dora doll anymore!"

Knife rolled his eyes in annoyance from the opposite side of the room.

"Well, what I was gonna say, is that Balloon and Oj over there and uh- apparently Suitcase? No clue if I heard that right- but they've been hiding pretty shady stuff! Hear this, Balloon got a LETTER, from MEPHONE4!!! I know right?! Crazy! Maybe we should invite him out to read it!"

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