|| Alejandro X Rudy || (2/2)

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( This is a second chapter including more of the child from "our random little addition")

The couple had bought all the things the little girl had needed such as a bed, toys, etc. For the little girl's name, Alejandro and Rudy had decided on Alicia, she had agreed for that to be her name, she had loved her parents to bits and hoped that one day she doesn't get dumped when they've had enough of her like her previous parents before valeria. Alicia had loved both of her parents but she had liked Alejandro a slight bit more since he played with her more with her dolls, dinosaurs, etc and may get her some things in secret without Rudy knowing such as sweet things as long as she promised to eat all her food, which she did anyway. She was generally a good kid for both Alejandro and Rudy, she had the odd tantrum or fall out with them but apart from that she behaved well. Alejandro's family watched her when they went on missions or if they were working at the base in general, she had missed Alejandro and Rudy when they had to go but she was glad when they came back from missions alive as it did panic her when they came back a day later than from what they said they would.

Luckily for Alicia, she had both of them home for a very long time unless an emergency came up at the military base, Rudy was the one that mainly cooked due to Alejandro when they used to go on dates often, he would try and cook for them both but it ended up almost causing a fire the once that Rudy had to try and save from the house turning to crisp. Rudy tried not to be rude towards Alejandro's cooking but sometimes it wasn't cooked how it should have been or it was extremely cold when the meal itself should be warm, but luckily now they are both married and lived together so Rudy was the one cooking for all 3 of them. The thing that got Rudy through cooking was music so he had headphones on, luckily Alejandro had either hugged him to indicate if he needed anything and Alicia had held his hand or tapped on his arm, trying to reach his shoulder but she had been too small.

Rudy had been cooking and had his headphones on, he knew Alejandro and Alicia were playing with the dinosaurs upstairs so it didn't affect him too much. It was all fine until half way through making the meal, Alicia had let out a loud scream which sounded genuine through Rudy's headphones which he token off and paused the music. He luckily kept a gun to his side, it was a pistol gun so it wasn't too big and obvious incase any of the 3 of them were in danger, he heard her scream again and he felt a 'mother - like' instinct come over him and went upstairs to double check if there was any danger. All of the rooms were empty apart from one which was Alejandro and his bedroom, he had slowly opened it to see Alejandro and Alicia playing together with the dinosaurs, realising that she was screaming and running across the hallway upstairs due to playing dinosaurs. Rudy sighed to himself and put the gun away, Alicia had smiled at Rudy and spoke "play with us papa!" "papa is busy but that won't stop me" she had hid behind the bed and giggled to herself, sensing that Alejandro was going to come after her with his dinosaur soon enough "she scared the life out of me, I thought someone got in the house" "no I wouldn't let that happen, sorry about her screaming babe, she will be down soon I promise" "I didn't say stop playing Ale, it is because I thought she was in danger just by the loud scream" "oh ok" "dinner won't be too long either".

Alicia's head popped up from behind one side of the sofa, she had been a big foodie so she looks forward to each meal of the day after playing with Alejandro mainly, she wished Rudy would play as well but he was mainly either cleaning or cooking. It made Rudy laugh a little at her little head popping up out of no where when a meal of the day gets spoke, he had headed back down the stairs to finish off the food downstairs. After about 30 minutes, the food was completely finished and he placed it all served out on the kitchen side, he was confused as to why there was silence whilst he has cooking for the past 20 minutes, he shrugged it off until after he finished the meal (serving it out.) He had decided to quietly go up the stairs to hear no screaming or talking which scared him eversince they've had Alicia, silence never meant anything good when Alicia was in the house since usually she would be loud whilst playing and talking.

He had seen the door slightly open so he opened it slightly to see a sight which made him smile, it made him want to cry in happiness but he didn't let the tears get to him. Alicia had been hugging Alejandro close and Alejandro wrapped his arms around her, they were both in a deep sleep so it was a better opportunity to take a photo of the two asleep. Rudy couldn't get over the fact that she looks like both of them combined so it was a perfect family in reality, Rudy had took a photo of the 2 before giving a kiss on the forehead to Alicia and one on the cheek to Alejandro before closing the door quietly so he didn't disrupt them. They could easily warm up their food when they got up so he left them to it, to Rudy, adopting Alicia was the best thing he has ever done and he was sure Alejandro would say the same thing apart from her breaking his arms whilst playing since she could get heavy after a while. They had been a happy family with one another.

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