•Second Selection (15)

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"Ohhh." A familiar voice awed out.

Toge: "So this is where I'm training for the second selection? Cool. Eh?"

The white haired male saw a board, that said:

'Round 1'

100 Goals


Toge: "Eh? I have to score 100 goals in within 90 minutes? That's not hard but..."

He sighs, but just as he was about to yawn and scratch his hair, he felt the air change.

Toge: "This weak yet random change of the air pressuring against my direction, a ball...? Where did it come from? Should've payed attention."

The elder Nagi dodged the ball before kicking it up, smashing it to it's rightful place with his left foot.


He glanced at the board, 99 more goals left.

With the same techniques and kicks, Toge advances quickly and manages to reach 72 more goals. But this was when it started to change.


'Round 2'

72 goals


Holographic defenders popped up from the ground, three of them. They weren't moving, so it wasn't too hard for him.


Meanwhile- Somewhere.

Anri: "This training is absolutely perfect! The holograms are able to touch to due the pressure put into the ball when it comes into contact, causing it to bounce off. The footballs getting ejected from the cannon-like blowers are also such a great way to teach strikers how to be more alert and to pay attention to the sound, air pressure and increase their reaction time! The reason why it's 90mins long is also because a real football match is 1 hour thirty minutes, and their stamina should've improved after the 10-day physical conditioning we put them on."

Anri: "This is really brilliant, Ego! But, umm...We're running out of funds."

Ego: "Shaddap, Anri-chan. You haven't even seen anything yet."

Silence was heard as the two watched all the young strikers play.

Anri: "A couple of them are advancing really quickly..."

Ego: "Yes, Anri-chan. The main goal here is to eliminate the useless side characters who can't even defend properly, but managed to advance because of their team. We're keeping the strikers in only. The real strikers can manage within 90mins."

Anri: "Yes...And, as I was saying, 2 of them specifically, they're pretty good."

A smile crept up on Ego's face, but it left almost immediately when he continued.

Ego: "Isagi Yoichi and Toge Nagi, right? It's already 57 minutes on the clock, yet Toge Nagi is already going to finish it. Isagi Yoichi learns slowly and gradually, but Toge Nagi is an entirely special case..."

Anri: "Have you perhaps...Taken an interest in him?"

Ego: "He's one of the best in Blue Lock right now, but he's not giving it his all. He's always sleepy, so I'll give him a long sleep and finally release his full potential. He's not being egoistic about anything. If he was, then he might even be on par with Sae Itoshi."

Widened eyes could be shared on Anri's face, as her mouth was agape.

Anri: "You're expecting too much off of him! What if he's not as good as you thought?"

Ego: "Oh, Anri-chan..."

The 4-eyed man swung his 360° chair around to face Anri, and glared up at her.

Ego: "Are you doubting me?"


Sweat dripped from the floor, as Toge sighs and pulls up his hair. He walks through the door, having accomplished the task, and slowly approached a door.

On top, it said, 'Second Selection' which only made Toge worry slightly.

As he walked through, he spotted no one from his team. Only 2 people were there, and Toge didn't even know who they were.

He waited, and waited, then finally-


The door opened and closed, Reo and Nagi walked out almost at the same time.

Nagi: "Ah, Toge."

Toge: "Mm."

They read the sign, which told them to group up into 3 before the second selection really started.

Reo: "Let's team up, all three of us!"

Toge: "You two are better off with Zantetsu, I think I'm going to wait for Bachira-kun."

A frown with the mixture of acceptance was pasted on Reo's face.

Reo: "Ah, is that so?"

The door opened again, and Isagi was there.

Isagi: "Hm...Oh! Nagi-kun!"

Toge: "Hello, Isagi-kun."

Then, the door was sounded out opening. A familiar face walked through.

"Reunited again, neh~? Isagi-kun, Toge-kun."

It was Bachira. He smiled brightly and ran over to his friends, before reading the board.

Bachira: "Phew, thank goodness we don't have to look for anyone else."

The yellow-tip haired male grins as he hops onto Toge's back.

Isagi: "What? Did Bachira just declare that we were his teammates without us deciding? Well, not like I have a problem with it or anything..."

The elder white haired male groans slightly, tapping for Bachira to get off, as to which he does so.

Toge: "Sorry, Bachira. I'm still tired after earlier."

The said male just grins with his eyes closed, and slaps his hands onto his hips.

Bachira: "Don't worry, Toge-kun! I understand you, sorry about that."

Nagi: "Hey, Isagi, join our team."

Reo: "Huh? You wanted him? We already could have Toge, you know?"

Nagi: "That's right. Isagi or Toge can join our team, the problem is that Toge wishes to stay with Bachira and Isagi. So he should be fine staying with one, right."

Bachira: "It's okay, Isagi-kun. Go ahead!"

Isagi: "What? Hell no! I'm staying with you both!"

Toge inhales deeply, and sighs through his nose.

Toge: "I can leave if you want to join Bachira and Isagi, Seishiro-kun."

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