Chapter 6.♥

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Charlee's P.O.V

As soon as we got to the hospital we were seen to. That made me worry a bit because you are never automatically seen to unless its serious. We had been to get an x ray and were waiting on the results 

"George?" The doctor called us back in. 

"We have some good news." 


"Your nose isn't broken!" 

A smile came onto his face as he looked to me. I have a weak smile back. 

"But it is badly bruised and it will hurt for a while." 

"Ok thank you doc." 

You and George left the hospital and were waiting on a taxi outside. 

"George, I'm sorry" I said. I felt so guilty. 

"It's fine babe. At least it's not you" 

I walked over to George and put my arms around his neck, he but his hands on my waist. For a second I just looked into his beautiful brown eyes. I then have him a small kiss because the taxi arrived.  

'Why isn't it awkward after all this kissing' I thought to myself when we were in the taxi. 'Did he like me back' I was getting mixed signals by George and it felt horrible. 

When we got to my house I ran out of the taxi and straight to my room to cry. George hadn't even gotten out of the taxi yet. I hopped under the covers and just cried.

George's P.O.V

Charlee just jumped out of the taxi. I paid the taxi man and went inside to see her. 

*knock knock* "can I come in?" 

"I don't care" she sounded as if she was crying. 

"What's wrong?" I asked concerned 


I walked around and got down on my hunkers to look her in the eyes. She was crying. But why 

"Why are you crying?" 

"It doesn't matter" 

"Babe it obviously does just tell me." 

I heard her sigh before she sat up. 

"It's you." 


"Yes. You. You are giving me mixed signals. You're playing with my heart. My feelings" 

What? I love this girl? I just don't know how to tell her. Maybe now would be a good time. 

"Charlee I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I love you" 

"Yeah I know you do but that love you feel for me isn't the same love I feel for you." 

She loves me? Ok now I'm dreaming. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm in love with you George."


A/N: sorry it's so short! Have to go to school.. :-((

Did Faith Break Us or Was It You?..Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora