Chapter 50: Toad to Redemption

Start from the beginning

"I guess I'll just hand over all my hard-earned coppers." Hop Pop said, handing over a bag of coppers to the robbers.

Suddenly a cane flew behind the robbers, knocking them to the ground. It flew away like a boomerang, back to Mrs. Croaker. "Anne and Sprig? Why in tarnation are you robbing your own stand?"

Drake needed to salvage the situation quickly. Acting on instinct, he started talking as loud as possible. "Oh, you see! Our incompetent mayor stood there and did nothing while we were attacked! Thank you, kind stranger, for coming to our aid!"

Mrs. Croaker looked at Drake like he was crazy. He wasn't really focused on her though, instead looking at Mayor Toadstool and the oddly familiar tiny newt he was talking with. He was sure he'd seen her somewhere. They were being escorted by two heavily armored newt guards carrying spears.

The tiny newt didn't buy it. "Excellent work Mayor Toadstool. You distracted the robbers long enough for the muscle to show up. You're truly Head Toad material."

"Well, that didn't work." Mayor Toadstool said.

Meanwhile, Anne and Sprig were being arrested. "Don't worry. We still got the second option."

After a quick trip to the police station, their new plan was to lure a group of moles. Anne, Drake, Hop Pop and Sprig sat on large fleas while carrying shepherd canes. "Come on kids, herd those moles." Hop Pop said.

The moles suddenly began popping out of the ground in Wartwood, causing the frogs to panic and scatter in different directions. "I think it's working." Drake said as everyone covered their tracks and moved to rejoin Mayor Toadstool.

Suddenly, a group of barrels flew into the air and landed directly onto the heads of the moles. The creatures quickly retreated.

"Incredible! What a show of strength! Truly, we've made the right choice." the emissary said.

Mayor Toadstool chuckled. "Any other ideas?"

"Nope. We're sunk." Anne replied.

"Well, looks like I have no choice. I better finish packing." Mayor Toadstool said, his face and posture dropping in sadness.

Suddenly Toadie showed up, wheeling a cart full of luggage. "No need, sir. We're all packed and ready to go."

"You've got a competent assistant here, mayor. It's too bad he's about to be out of a job."

"Excuse me?" Toadie questioned.

"Did you think you were going to be assistant to the Head Toad." then she laughed. "Adorable. But no. I, Jacinda, will be Toadstool's deputy at Toad Tower."

Hearing this caused Toadie to faint. Mayor Toadstool quickly caught him before he hit the ground. "Toadie! Now see here. I got something to say to you and I don't care if I go to prison for it."

Jacinda summoned her two guards. "Oh. I'm all ears."

Sensing a confrontation, Drake backed away and stood behind one of the nearby buildings. He used the cover so nobody could see he was preparing to draw his sword.

Mayor Toadstool gulped. "Truth is... the truth is-"

They were interrupted by the sounds of a horn. Out of the forest, a large group of toads charged into Wartwood, ready for battle. Judging by their attire, they were the remnants of the Southern Toad army. The attackers herded everyone into one large crowd.

Two of them stepped forward, removing their hoods which Anne recognized immediately. "Fens? And, uh- uh- the creepy one."

"Mire." Sprig corrected her.

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