💔❤️ALL MINE❤️💔

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Raph x yandere reader ~Nb~


  Why does everyone have to stand so close to him!? You watched from the sidelines as everyone surrounded Raph talking to him so happily. You hated it, you hated how close everyone was to him. He was all yours after all. All yours. You gripped your leg tightly until you felt blood start soaking your skin.

"Shit...." You mumbled looking down.

  Walking to the bathroom, pulling down your pants to check your accidental self inflicted injury. Pressing toilet paper against it to catch up the blood and clean it up. Still mumbling angrily at the scene you left. Placing bandaids on the crescent shaped cuts on your skin.
  Sitting in the bathroom for a while to try and calm down. Why does everyone have to flock around him? Their purposefully making it impossible to spend time with Raph! luckily you had a plan to keep him to yourself.
  Leaning over the sink phone in hand you opened up YouTube. Clicking on a channel called Weird History. Putting on a random video, you had to calm yourself. You were breathing way too quickly. They would notice your breathing pattern, which will bring everyone's attention to you. Taking slow deep breaths as you watched the video.
  Finally once you calmed down enough you left the bathroom. Raph didn't even notice you weren't on the couch. That pissed you off. How couldn't he notice his partner missing?! Deciding to text Raph that you were heading back home. Then walking out towards your apartment. Raph soon followed you.
  Good, you could finally use the plan. He was going to be yours for eternity. You happily skipped home, you were elated that you would have no one to come between you both now. You both spent the walk chatting like nothing will ever happen. As you were opening the door to the apartment, you found the perfect name for the plan.
  Raph hugged and kissed you ever so gently. You wanted to stay in his embrace forever. You relaxed into him. All your built up anger and frustrations seeming to melt away. You couldn't let him make you forget your plan. Pushing away to head to the kitchen.

"Are you alright?" Raph asked in a concerned manner.

"I'm fine, just tired" you responded in a calm voice.

"Get some rest as soon as you can" he said in a soft tone kissing your cheek.

  He went to the couch, turning on a show called forensic files. This gave you the perfect time to put the plan in the works.
You put two flavor packets into 2 cups. Grabbing 2 water bottles you previously open and mixed with poison that you got from a yokai black market. Pouring both waters into their respective cups. Mixing both cups thoroughly.
  Walking over to the couch handing Raph his cup. Which he, drank almost all of it instantly. That worked better than you thought it would. Slowly sipping on yours you watched him carefully to see exactly when the effects of the poison would start.
  He slumped into you, cuddling close yawning. Holding you close, his head laying on your lap. Your hand gently caressed his shoulder. Rubbing circles into his pebbled skin.

"I love you (y/n)" he mumbled as he fell asleep.

  He would never wake up again. Tears started rolling down your face. Those were his last words...it hurt your heart that you did something like this. Blankly staring at the tv as you finished your own dose. The tears from your eyes wouldn't stop.
  Tiredness started to hit you. It felt like a ton of bricks hitting. Raph's body was still warm. You leaned down. Kissing him one final time as darkness took you over. Calmness covered your body and you gladly let it take you to the other side.

  When the both of you were found late the next day. All hell broke loose. Tears, anger, sadness, confusion. Everyone was grieving for the both of you. You both were buried together. Everyday the group tried to celebrate life to the fullest to honor their lost friends and dear family member.

((Word count 697))

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