19| Sociopath

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Author's POV

Priti collided with someone as she hurriedly left the room, but she chose to ignore the person entirely, bolting out and leaving the stunned man behind.

She dashed outside the club, her vision slowly clearing as the cool night air hit her face. In the distance, she spotted Saveer standing beside his car. Without a second thought, she sprinted towards him.

The moment she reached him, she flung herself into his arms, hugging him tightly as uncontrollable sobs escaped her lips, the sound of her distress alarming Saveer to his core.

Saveer’s eyes widened in shock as he took in her disheveled appearance—her hair tangled, clothes scattered, and cheeks stained with tears. A sharp pang of worry gripped his heart as he imagined the reasons behind her state.

Gently cupping her tear-streaked face, he spoke softly, "Priti, calm down. I’m here. Just tell me what happened?"

But Priti couldn’t form any words, her sobs only growing louder as she clung to him. Saveer sighed, his heart heavy with concern.

"Don’t cry, I’ll take you home," he murmured, his voice filled with love.

He carefully lifted her into his arms and moved towards the passenger seat, completely unaware that a pair of hawk-like eyes were watching his every move from afar.

Ayaan stood by the window of the club's luxurious room, his gaze fixed on the boy outside. A strange sense of possessiveness stirred within him at the thought of another man touching her—his girl.

His girl.

The words echoed in his mind, and he couldn’t help but smile at the absurdity of it. When had she become his? He wasn’t sure, but the thought felt so good

His thoughts was interrupted by the creak of the door. He turned to see Vikram standing in the doorway.

"Welcome back brother. It’s been a while," Ayaan greeted, a forced smile stretching across his lips.

Vikram returned the gesture with an equally false smile. Both men knew the truth behind their façades—each fully aware of the other’s feelings.

But what was the point of being a backstabber if you didn’t play the part?

Meanwhile, Saveer drove Priti home, his heart heavy with guilt and sorrow. Her condition weighed on him, and he blamed himself repeatedly for not being able to protect her better.

As she slept, he carried her inside her house, cradling her gently. The sound of Ashwath's persistent questions after seeing Priti's condition echoed in his ear, but he struggled to find the words to explain.

Ashwath, visibly agitated, was waiting in the living room. Saveer came downstairs taking a seat on the sofa and looked at him with a strained expression.

"Can I get a glass of water, Uncle?" Saveer asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.

Ashwath eyed him with suspicion but handed him the glass. Saveer downed the water in a single gulp, then began recounting the incident. He could only provide the information he knew—about the boys who had been hooting at Priti, the side of the story he had witnessed.

He didn't know what she faced after that, nor he was aware about it.

His voice faltered as he spoke, the weight of the situation pressing down on him.

Mad For Her #1 (LL SERIES ) #1 |18+ √Where stories live. Discover now