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"Lydia, it's like seven am, why aren't you up?"
I stormed into her room.
I know I said I can't be around anyone or I want to kill them but she's Lydia.

"Why the hell are you awake before me?" She groaned yawning as she threw a pillow at my face and I caught it.

"Who says I've slept." I groaned and I ran into her bed laying next to her.
"Still haven't cried?" She asked already knowing the answer.

"You can't cry or you don't want to?" She questioned as she sat up to look down at me and I just stayed silent.
"You wanna see my new tattoos?" I asked and she looked at me wide eyed.
"You did what?"

"Wasn't a no." I lifted up my shirt to show her my back and my other ones were visible. "Are you going manic? I mean they look hot, but are you? Because you seem energetic."

"I think so. I'm in the mood for a run. I'm in the mood for some murder." I told her and she looked at me seriously concerned.

"I should probably lock you in my room-"

"I'm not crazy! I think... that's not the point. The point is I'm not sad and I'm not broken I'm fine. And when I'm fine I'm energetic. So can you be energetic with me?" I asked as I stood on her bed holding out my hand waiting for her to take it.

"I love you. But you are going insane because your scared to feel hurt. And you haven't even talked to Scott yet which shows-"

"Nothing. Look Scott chose to not tell me. That was his decision." I concluded and I picked up my phone seeing the twenty miss calls he had sent me yesterday.

"You can't avoid him forever sweetheart." She got out of bed and I let myself lay flat on her fat ass bed.
"I can try."

"We're meeting up with Argent. Do you want to come?" She asked and I shook my head.
"Im good. Argents Just going to give me the same lecture and I really can't do it with the same shit."

"Should I pay for your therapy?" She suggested randomly and I sighed. "Yeah please."


"I'm going to kill her Lydia."
I held the phone to my ear and I was practically speed walking down through the highschool hallways.

Already back in highschool...sadly.
"We don't know if it's her, Liam just thinks-"

"Where are you?" I cut her of not wanting to hear anymore bullshit. She killed him and I'm going to kill her. "I'm not going to tell you."
Lydia hummed over the phone.

"When the hell did we have a new guidance counsellor, where the hell is Morrell?"

"Sweetie she's been gone ever since the nogitsune, you seriously need therapy. I'll see you later."
"No you'll see me now with my hands around her neck. I'm already here."

Savour From Hell ➳ Scott McCall {4}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora