Chapter 29

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It's always a wonder how we all manage to survive everything that tends to go on in our lives. Like seriously, the stuff we deal with on a day to day basis could really be straight out of a tv show. Adam, Chase and I were getting ready for school down in the lab. Chase asked his brother to toss him his book bag, to which Adam ended up throwing it right through the door. Like actually punctured a hole into in, as it was closed. A steal door. Good grief.

"Mr Davenport warned us of this as we get older and go through puberty our chips must be adjusted," Chase states with wide eyes, before this happened Adam had talked about how he started breaking stuff the last few days. Not thinking much of it and Chase said that Donald could fix the problem when he came back. But you know he changed his mind after the door thing.

"Get in your capsule and we'll dial down your strength for now," I replied walking over to the cyber desk and pressed some controls. Chase doing the same, and we brought his strength level down quite a bit. Then quickly had him test it, once satisfied we both proceeded out the door. Adam stating he needed to grab something but he'd catch up. Looking back on it, however it was a bad idea, since this is Adam we're talking about.

Classes went by as normal, well almost normal. Bree was challenging Perry's authority and made a bet with her, not the best idea she's had but definitely better than that of the ones her brothers often came up with. So now Bree was temporarily the student principal, for the day. Claiming that the job would be easy since Perry did it everyday. Poorly, might I add but she still did it.

Chase and I were about to sit down for lunch, with Adam but unfortunately Chase got stuck with the wobbly chair. It happened more than you'd think, and it made you wonder just how under paid the school had to be to have such broken things.

Adam claimed that he could fix the chair, then proceeded to break the back off it in one grab. Meaning he went back and put his strength at a 10. Chase cleared his throat as the whole cafeteria looked at us, and I waved sheepishly.

"Budget cuts am I right," I state trying to ease the tension which got worse as Adam literally just set the tray on the table and it collapsed with little effort.

"Seriously people it's all around us," Chase added before we each grabbed hold of Adam, ushering him out of the room before something else happened.

"Adam you can't just up the status of your abilities like that. It's dangerous and could expose us to the world," I state as we rushed to my car. Going back home and down to the lab where we quickly began fixing the problem Adam created.

"You guys are no fun at all. I feel like Godzilla crushing tiny buildings. This is why Chase will never get a girlfriend," Adam sulked as we programmed things into the computer.

"Um Adam, Chase has a girlfriend," I state pointing to myself, hoping that he was joking. But there was a possibility that he really did forget that, I mean it's Adam. He's got so many things rushing through that head of his, it's hard to keep track.

"But yours will have to cut up your food, so I guess we're even," Chase retorts pushing his brother into the capsule, then we began fixing him once more. It only took a few minutes then we rushed out of the room. Making sure he left the lab before us.

Then we quickly rushed back to school, making it just in time for the next class, but then I remembered Bree was principal so even if we got caught we'd probably get a lesser punishment if we explained that the reason we left was a bionic problem.

"Am I supposed to feel lighter, I feel like I'm shrinking?" Adam asked as we tried rushing to class, but Chase dismissed the question. Saying it's probably all in his head, but as I turned around to reassure him. Adam was nowhere to be seen, except for a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Um babe he wasn't imagining it," I state tapping Chase's shoulder garnering his attention. We looked down with wide eyes as a tiny Adam appeared from hiding in his shoe.

"I told you I was shrinking," the tiny voice of our brother says looking up at use timidly, considering we looked like giants to him.

"We must've gotten the size calculations wrong," I state as Chase picked up the shoe before rushing off to find some clothes. Considering Adam was naked in his shoe, which now made two of my brother to have that happen, and at school too. What are the odds?

With Bree running things today, not too much was getting done in terms of learning. Which was expected since a 15 year old was running the school. Although she wasn't too happy about people slacking on things.

"Kay we've got a serious problem, I lost Adam!" Chase exclaimed as he rushed up to me on my way to lunch. I knew the situation was serious by the panic look in his eyes.

"What! How'd you lose our brother?" I asked placing a hand over my heart, shocked that something like this would actually happen. Adam was about the size of a bouncy Ball and now he could be anywhere in this vast school. Someone could accidentally squish him and not realise they committed murder.

"He fell out of my pocket," Chase states pulling at the ends of his hair, trying his hardest not to panic. Just then Leo came over to us, wanting to get away from principal Bree and Perry. Who apparently was terrorising the school pretending to be one of the students. Giving my sister a hard time, like usual. This was mission creek high school after all, nothing changed if you really thought about it.

"Leo have you see Adam, we accidentally shrunk him and Chase lost him?" I questioned shaking his shoulders "he's dressed like a tiny purple ninja,"

"I'm pretty sure I saw him jump into that backpack," he exclaimed. Thus leading us on a wild goose chase as we rushed around trying to find him.

Eventually we tracked him down to a sandwich Perry was about to eat. Luckily her mother came in and stopped her from tormenting us any further, unfortunately Adam ended up in the trash bin. Which we lugged home, as both Chase and Leo claimed to have lost their retainer.

"Here he is, he was curl up inside a burrito," Chase states as we took the junk from the bin, throwing it onto the cyber desk. Good thing Donald wasn't home to see that or he'd flip. We managed to get Adam back to himself, this ending a long day of misfortune.

Hopefully it never happened again......

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