Chapter 8: Darkness

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I stood looking at Eric not knowing what to do.

"You go stand in front of the target" he said pointing at Natalie.

Natalie looked so scared about his request but did as he asked. The rest of the initiates stood and watched. Four and Tris stood waiting to see what Eric was planning. I just stood trying to give Natalie a reassuring smile. I could see her shaking as she stood in front of the target.

"Take this" Eric passed me a knife.

"I want you to throw it as her" he requested to me

"Eric you can not be serious" Tris said while approaching where I stood

"Shut up, this has nothing to do with you" he shouted back at Tris. She immediately looked down in disappointment.

"I will hit her" I confessed while staring at him in the eyes. Hoping he would change his mind.

"Well then maybe next time you will use your time practicing your skills rather then teaching her" he said pointing at Natalie.

"I wont do it" I said to him. I looked round to see Natalie crying.

"Fine then, swap places with you friend" he ordered me. While pushing me toward the target. When I got there I gave Natalie a hug and she whispered she was sorry to me in my ear. Natalie walked off and I got into position.

"If you flinch you will be made factionless, do you understand?" He asked me while waiting for an answer

"Yes" I simple replied.

I watched as he picked up three knifes. I connected my eyes with his and didn't break that eye contract the whole time.

He threw the first knife and it landed next to my face on the left. I still didn't move or break eye contact. The next knife was thrown and landed on top of my head. This one was a lot closer. I wanted to look how close but I refused to look away from his eyes. I watched as he took a large deep breath and threw the last one. I didn't have to look or guess where this one landed I felt it. It had grazed the side of my waist. My hand immediately went to hold the fresh wound. I looked down to see blood on my fingers. I could feel everyone staring at me. I looked into Eric's eyes and I thought I saw a hint of pain. Why would he injure me? I could feel myself become weaker as the blood flowed from my wound. I collapsed on to the floor. The last thing I saw was Eric walk out the room. I just don't understand him. My eyes closed. And I was surrounded my darkness

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