"Hurry up and get going with that job! You don't want to keep the client and others waiting." I twitched an eye at him.

"Of course.... Master."

"Rogue! Shutup! And that's Sting to you!" I hissed in annoyance as he walked out of the office as a cocky grin appeared on his face.

Facepalming myself in annoyance at his words. I peeked through my fingers and noticed that the paper were all still scattered on the floor and my desk. This was so infuriating! I grabbed a handful of my spiky blond hair being frustrated, and pulled myself out from my chair and walked around the desk to gather up the rest of the paper that were waiting for me on the floor. Waiting so that they could get signed. Being the Master was fun, but honestly doing all of the paperwork for the Magic Council was a pain.

Finally grabbing a few sheets in my hand, I remembered about Cynthia. I longed for her and missed her so much that it hurts. I don't care if I keep on repeating myself. I just miss her so much. I want my best friend with me. But I know for sure that I can't force her into anything that she wouldn't like.

Memories were dancing in my mind.

The one about the banquet and the both of us dancing and out on the balcony. It felt so surreal. To have her in my arms, swaying around, talking and having a long conversation. She was truly something. She was absolutely breathtaking. Beyond beautiful and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her for a second.

The way on how her hair was curly and styled in a different way made her look really different. A good different. Not like I don't like the current appearance of her, I like everything of and about her. Her eyelashes were long and thick making her purple eyes to sparkle and pop out, her lips were puffy and looked kissable for me to make contact with mine. She was just too spectacular. I was glad that she wasn't wearing too much makeup. She didn't need to cake her face. The dress that hugged around her body so nicely and fit... I was paralyzed at the sight of her beauty.

But I was an idiot for asking her to drink with me at first! Just what was I thinking?! But I was glad that I finally got the guts to ask her for a chance to do a dance with her. That was honestly one of the toughest things that I have done, other than fighting than Natsu-san. I even noticed that my bite mark on her soft skin was covered by the collar on her neck.

Not bothering to ask her, I was hung up on her teaching me to dance which was partially embarrassing for me, but I'm glad I got to learn from her. I was slightly disturbed at her hiding it but I felt like to would to already disappear.

'Maybe I can do it again sometime for fun?' I smirked at the thought. She was cute by moaning out my name and looking fragile and whimpering at the same time in my arms. Even at the time outside of the balcony, away from the ballroom. It was peaceful and she looked even more stunning under the moonlight. I was about to make our lips contact to each other but I was very displeased and annoyed at rogue barging in and ruining the moment.

Sighing as I placed down the handful of papers onto the desk, my mind jogged through that tragic and most devastating vision of Cynthia dying in my arms during the battles of the Dragons. The way how she died and it felt so real. It scared me... terrified me.

I was going to lose my best friend at that time but thankfully it didn't happen. I wonder who would how that vision to me... but it seemed like it happened to everyone. Rogue got it, I wasn't sure about Lector and Frosch... probably they did and for Cynthia ...I remembered at her shocked look on her face about the vision of her creepy and gory death.

I lowered my gaze with a dark look on my face just thinking about it. To whoever it was... I thank them so much. Without that future clip, Cynthia would be dead by now. I wouldn't forgive myself for letting her disappear from me again. I won't let that happen.

Don't Forget Me. Sting x OC. ♡ [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now