"RAAAAAWR!!!" He leaped over a river.

He can hear the trees being knocked down and saw the werewolf coming, "RAAAAAAARGH!!!" The werewolf roared.

"MEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!" Adrien yowled at him, circling to find a solution to beat this beast.

"RAAAAARGH!!!" The werewolf lunged at him.

The two creatures fought as they rolled among the trees. They end up in the abandoned mines while biting and clawing at each other but then the werewolf accidentally bumped into silver rocks that sizzled his fur.

"AAAAAGH!!!" He jumps back from the silver and his form slowly shifts to almost human.

Adrien noticed some blond hair like his on the werewolf before the moonlight fully transformed him again.

"Hrrrrgh!" The werewolf snarled at him.

"Grrrrrr!!!!" Adrien growled back, avoiding any material made of gold because of his Werecat weakness.

The werewolf then attacks him again and they rolled on the floor. Adrien bit him in the neck like a panther. The werewolf howled in pain and throws him over. Both of them covered in bloody claw marks, they slowly shift into their human forms half naked. Panting, Adrien looks over and to his shock, the werewolf was revealed to be a boy similar to him.



"It was you this whole time?! I'm not the only one cursed from that dark wish?!" The identical boy shouted in anger.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down! What are you talking about?" Adrien asked.

"That night at the gala in Spain, your father stole a magic wish object from my mom and got away with it. When he made that wish, I knew that the sacrifice ended with me. I lost everything that night! I was forced to run away because of that beast within me!" Felix punched the cart.

"Hey, the same thing happened to me when he wished for riches and I was cursed too, I lost my home and my mother!" Adrien argued back.

"You idiot! You let your selfish dad tell you what to do!" Felix yelled at him.

"I was a child!" Adrien protested.

"None of this would have happened if he was caught stealing it!" Felix replied.

"You could've warned me about it but you were also a child too!" Adrien said.

"You have a fair point there. If only there was a way to reverse it! But no, we're stuck as a part beast" Felix sat on a stone.

"Actually, being part beast wasn't such a bad life. Yes, I was hunted but I met a girl and she accepted me for who and what I am. There's gotta be something good you did" Adrien said.

"It's not easy controlling myself as a werewolf," Felix said.

"How long have you been alone?" Adrien asked.

"For ten years I've been alone" Felix replied.

"Same as I have. I've learned to control myself better after meeting a girl" Adrien said.

"Lucky. The reason I came here is that you probably had your dad's scent. Rumors say that he's coming to Paris to run a fashion show" Felix said, wincing from the bloody wounds.

"No good. He's a bad man" Adrien said.

"That man is full of shit. Like nothing is ever good enough for him" Felix growled.

"Turns out he never truly loved my mother. She tried to protest against the wish" Adrien poured some water over his wounds.

"And that's why I want revenge for destroying my life" Felix groaned.

"So we're even," Adrien said.

"And we look like shit because you whooped my ass" Felix walked into the river to clean off the blood from his body.

"Can't blame our feral instincts took over" Adrien said.

Felix rubs water on his bare chest, "Honestly, I thought you would have a bigger grudge than I do"

"I did but I got older, leaving the past behind, and became a wild animal. Even if that makes me a kitten wandering in the wild" Adrien rubs water on his bloodied arm.

"And yet you are still the same naive boy I remember. You are just like your mom" Felix said.

"That was my old self," Adrien said.

"Hmph, and here you are becoming a man than a kitten," Felix said.

"And here you are becoming more savage than a puppy" Adrien mocked back.

"I still got the howl" Felix glared.

"You're really starting to abandon your humanity, I haven't" Adrien got up.

"Wolves are aggressive you know. It's almost sunrise and both of us are half-naked" Felix said.

"Right" Adrien replied.

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