【It Was Night When You Died, My Firefly】

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That night, Nemuru slept under that tree, holding on tightly to the piece of haori that he had ripped off of Kyojuro that night. He awoke to the birds chirping and the slight sizzle on his skin from the sun between the leaves on the tree. He looked down at the cloth in his hands,
" ' And I'm sorry I left, but it was for the best, though it never felt right...' " Nemuru paused, "Kyojuro, I probably shouldn't put words in your mouth... but I know you didn't mean to..." Nemuru sighed, but then felt something was off. "I still have my... my horns... and my extra arms... and my eye... did I never un-demonize?" Nemuru thought aloud, grabbing his horns and feeling around his body. "I... I can't un-demonize... I can't look normal! Shit shit shit..." Nemuru got up, visibly pissed, storming off without his umbrella inside, burning slowly as he made his way inside.

" Nemuru got up, visibly pissed, storming off without his umbrella inside, burning slowly as he made his way inside

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"Nemuru! You're burning! What happened? Why do you-" Mitsuri paused as she was walking outside to talk to Nemuru,

"Not now," Nemuru said, aggravation lacing his voice. Nemuru stormed off to his room, getting his mirror and looking at himself. "No...what do I do? I can't live on like this! I look filthy... disgusting... revolting... like a monster... I'm human... I'm human I swear..." Nemuru broke down into tears, sobbing as he realized he could never look human again. "Akaza... I will find you and grab you limb from limb, tearing you apart at an agonizingly slow pace, making sure you feel every. single. inch. of. pain." Nemuru grabbed the mirror by the top looking into it as he slowly crushed it with his hand. Once he was done with his little fit, Nemuru went outside, burning slowly, walking toward the tree. It was a walk of defeat. He sat under the tree, the leaves protecting him from the sun slightly.
1 hour passed... and Nemuru looked up at the sky, the sun shimmering through the leaves and burning away at his skin. He was regenerating slowly, but half of him was already dust being carried away by the wind.

"NEMURU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Shinobu walked outside to see Nemuru in his act of committing suicide. She ran to Nemuru, just as he was about to deactivate his Blood Demon Art and end it for good. Nemuru turned around, tears pouring out of his eyes which now possessed an orange sclera.

"Don't look at me... I'm disgusting..." Nemuru turned away, attempting to cover himself with his six arms. 

"No! No... don't say that... Nemuru... I came out here to tell you something..."


"You know Kyojuro has a brother and a living father, right?"


"How about you go see them?" Shinobu put a hand on Nemuru's shoulder, comforting him.

"I... I guess I could... yeah... but... they'll try to kill me, I look like a demon..."

"I can come with you if you want!" mitsuri came running out, smiling.

"That would help... yeah... I'll do it..."

𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣  (𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫 ⓧ 𝐎𝐂)Where stories live. Discover now