Hermione rolled her eyes. "Honestly? You had to bring that up? That was completely embarrassing!"

"Yet it's my favorite story to tell," Draco teased.

Her eyes went wide. "You've told people about that!"

"Just Harry. And George. Blaise too. Ginny knows probably because Harry knows..." Draco trailed off, holding in a laugh as she stood before him looking incredibly unimpressed. "They all thought it was cute - stop making that face."

"I will not stop making this face! That is a humiliating story! I cannot believe you told people!"

Draco shook his head. He leaned and kissed her, her lips not puckering an inch. "When I tell that story - it reminds me how I fell in love with you."

Hermione sighed. "It's still embarrassing."

He kissed her again, her lips reluctantly participating this time. "You're ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous," Hermione countered. "Come eat some breakfast before you leave."

"I'm not hungry," Draco quickly replied.

She shook her head. "That's an unacceptable answer. You're eating breakfast."

He wanted to argue with her, but judging by the tone of her voice, he decided to keep his mouth shut. Grabbing his briefcase, he followed her into the kitchen. She was wearing her black yoga pants and one of his old Slytherin quidditch shirts she'd obviously charmed to fit her so that she wasn't swimming in it. Not that he was complaining. He'd prefer to see her in green over that burgundy and gold any day of the week. In the kitchen, Draco and Hermione found Narcissa and Lucius, sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee. In the week and a half that Lucius had been back, he was starting to appear less gaunt. This could also have to do with Narcissa cooking and shoveling food down his mouth against his will, but it wasn't like Lucius was in much of a position to argue with his wife.

"Good morning, Mother," Draco greeted, smiling before shifting his glance to a stare at his father.

"Good morning, darlings," Narcissa said to both Hermione and Draco. "Jori made us some breakfast - there's plenty left on the stove."

"I'm just going to grab an English muffin," Draco responded. Hermione already had the muffin bag opened, peeling the halves apart and popping them into the toaster for him. He preferred the toaster instead of using magic - he was convinced it came out crispier with the toaster, and that's exactly how he liked it. He leaned against the counter, taking the butter from Hermione as she rooted through the fridge. "If you're looking for that nasty creamer you use in your coffee - it's already out."

Hermione turned and spotted the French vanilla creamer on the counter next to Draco. "It's not nasty - it's delicious!"

"Lucius thinks it's delicious too, don't you?" Narcissa interjected.

He gave Hermione a stiff nod. "It is different. But I like it."

Hermione smiled politely at Lucius. "At least someone here has an appreciation for it other than myself."

Draco rolled his eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Hermione as she swatted her hand into his stomach. "With an attitude like that you can butter your own muffin."

"But I like it so much better when you do it, dear," Draco patronized. "Plus - you're the one who practically demanded that I eat breakfast."

She poured him a cup of black coffee and handed it over before pouring herself a cup. "Deal with it," she playfully jabbed, grabbing her creamer and taking a seat at the kitchen island. She saw Narcissa smirking, holding her cup of coffee up to her lips to disguise her amusement while Lucius looked a bit befuddled. "Mr. Malfoy - are you alright?"

Life after Hogwarts - A Hermione & Draco x Dramione Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें