#58 - "I'll have my way with you... And That's A Promise."

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"You know what I love..."

Everyone's attention turned to Amy as she tapped her fingernails against the granite counter in front of her.

"Bourbon infused in my Earls Grey. That's a great way to wake up on a Monday morning."

You'd been given a girls night in pass, whilst Tom and the lads played FIFA in the room downstairs, Amy and Millie given time to sit with you on the breakfast bar whilst you made them both a cup of tea. The only clear thing on your mind right now was not going downstairs and jumping into Tom's arms. Millie grimaced opposite you, her face contorting in disgust.

"Bourbon in tea is disgusting... You want the good stuff on a Monday morning in your drinks."

The last part of the sentence was mumbled so you didn't quite catch it as you swirled the teabags in the mugs, your mind now only processing one thing.

"Bourbon's are a no. I'm more of a custard cream girl myself..."

Everyone's attention snapped to you once the words left your mouth, their confused looks in your direction confusing yourself until you realised what was wrong.

"Oh my god I thought we were on about biscuits, not alcohol!"

The table erupted into laughter, as your stupid comment was finally understood by all. Your laughter like music to the boys ears as they listened from downstairs. It went on for a good ten minutes, Tom smiling at the basement ceiling when he'd heard your giggle louder than the rest - the sound like music to his ears. The boys teased him about how smitten he was, and how lovey-dovey he was being but he didn't mind - he had you and that was all that mattered. You three girls wiped the tears of laughter from your eyes as you grabbed a mug each and headed for the sofas

They were in a U-shape with a TV in front of them all, so you could all see the TV screen. Amy threw on 'Clueless' whilst you snuggled under duvets and bîtchîng about the attitudes of some women at work. The cushion next to you was pulled on to your lap as you fiddled with the threads whilst the girls were quizzing you on your boyfriend and your relationship. You felt all giddy and embarrassed still even at his name, the fact he was only a level away way making the butterflies in your stomach go wild. You felt amazing to be able to scream to the world "IM TOM HIDDLESTON'S GIRLFRIEND" but at the same time, Tom made sure there was no pressure on you. His world is revolved around you, and your happiness - and you adored him for that. Do you love him? Maybe. But you cared about him 100%, that was for sure. You could hear the occasional "AYYY" shouting up, or the men coming up for more drinks. The whole reason you'd invited the girls was because you'd seen the opportune moment after Tom had mentioned the boys coming on the Friday you usually stayed round. He told you to bring them over, and after the boys had nodded off he'd come up and see you... and with the wine cupboard full you'd agreed instantly.

After half an hour, you were up and giggly as Millie threw pillow after pillow at Amy's face, Amy's glasses falling to the floor where you swooped them up before the two fell into a tackle-fight. You couldn't even remember why they'd started, but you couldn't help laughing. You thought it had something to do with Amy mispronouncing a word or phrase due to accent and dialect but the fighting was too fun to break up for awhile. Tom had come up to see Millie sitting on Amy as she repetitively hit her with a pillow. Amy screaming "ABORT MISSION. STOP IT. MILLIE GET OFF OF ME!" made you cry of laughter, stumbling towards the kitchen to see Tom standing there shirtless with 3 beers with a 'what-the-fudge' face.

But then something in his head clicked, and his eyes became predatory as he looked you up and down. It wasn't dirty, it made a chill shiver down your back. The way he always looked at you and bit his lip was enough to made any woman jump his bones there and then, or when he grinned so widely your heart melted. And he was yours. Yours.

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