1 : Recap

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Trophy groaned, picking up his phone and turning the alarm he had set on it off. Even if it wasn't a pleasant sound to wake up to, it was one of the only things that actually woke him up, so he simply just dealt with it.

He pushed the blanket that had been covering him aside, the corners of it noiselessly hitting the floor as he did. The air was a bit cold, but he didn't find it in him to care.

His phone's home screen read the date out to him. 'December 8th, 202X'. Nothing was special about that date to him, so he didn't pay it any mind. All that it meant was that the ground outside the hotel might have a coating of snow.

Oh, and it did technically mean something else, but Trophy just hadn't thought of it yet.

It had been just over three months since everything had happened. The laboratory, the escape, the hospital. All of the things that had permanently impacted his life, and not exactly for the better.

Trophy didn't pay any of those facts any mind though, instead carrying out his morning routine as he had the last three months.

One of the first things he did was slip on his prosthetic handles. Lightbulb had convinced Paintbrush to make them for Trophy about a month after everything had happened.

The handles slipped onto the sides of Trophy's cup. If he was going to be honest, they did an amazing job replacing the real things. Of course, due to the scarring on the sides of Trophy's head from when he lost his real handles, you could still tell they were fake if you looked at them too hard.

Right, the prosthetic handles. Those were just one of the many changes that had appeared since the lab. The changes were always in the smaller parts of Trophy's life, but were still obvious once you looked for them.

Another example of this would be the now blue walls of Trophy and Tissues's bedroom. Although the rest of Hotel OJ's residents had orange walls, courtesy of OJ's admittedly mediocre design of the building, Trophy had his room's walls repainted. With permission, of course.

The original colors reminded Trophy too much of his room in the lab. As in, he had trouble falling asleep the first few days he was back in the hotel. When it came to changing the color however, it had been a bit complicated.

Red, orange, pink, and yellow were all not options with everything considered. White, black, and brown were too plain of colors. Green wasn't a good idea since Tissues slept in the same room as Trophy, and purple was 'too girly' of a color in Trophy's opinion. So in the end, they just ended up choosing blue.

Trophy shook himself out of his thoughts. It's just a wall, the colors really didn't matter to him as long as he could sleep. Besides, he had to get on with his day.

He walked over to the side of Tissues's bed. Guessably, Tissues was fast asleep. Trophy groaned under his breath before placing a hand on the side of the sleeping object. He softly shook Tissues awake, trying his best to be gentle enough as to not startle him.

"Mngh... huh..?" Tissues mumbled, his eyes opening into barely opened slits as he awoke.

"'Morning." Trophy replied, stepping off to the side. "It's almost breakfast."

"Right, right." Tissues said, sitting up. He stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes, knowing he also had to get a start to his day.

Trophy didn't spend much time waiting for Tissues. It's not like Tissues couldn't do things by himself anyways, so there wasn't any real reason Trophy had to stay by him.

Instead, Trophy walked back over to his nightstand and grabbed the camera that was placed atop it. It was an old digital camera he had kept for a while, with slight signs of aging along the sides. He slung the strap of it over his neck so he could carry it with him throughout the day.

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