The Sacrifice

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I went to make myself breakfast when a knock came at the door and I went to answer it. Standing there was Stefan and Damon. 

"Cherry Red, how you recovering from exploding coffee shop?" Damon asked, stepping in and I smiled at him, giving him a hug and letting them both in before shutting the door. 

"Good, is Elena here?" Stefan asked and I raised an eyebrow at Stefan. 

"Yes, Stefan. It's early on a weekend, where else would she be?" I asked and Damon snorted. 

"We need to talk to." He said and I rolled my eyes. 

"Elena! Your boyfriend and his brother are here!" I called and she practically raced downstairs.  

"Slow down, speedy Gonzales!" I said and made myself a cup of coffee and led them all into the living room. We sat down and Stefan looked at her uneasily. 

"Hey. Uh, can we talk?" He asked and Elena looked confused. 

"Why?" She asked..

"We went to see Katherine." Damon asked and I nodded. 

"How is the witch with a b doing?" I asked. Sue me, I had been a pediatric nurse in my old life so while I may curse in my head, I rarely did it verbally. 

"Desiccating." Damon smirked. 

"She says she's willing to leave after we free her and the moonstone is handed over." Stefan told Elena and I tried not to smirk. This was gonna be good when they found out the truth eventually.

"You don't believe her, do you?" Elena asked and I looked at the two vampires with an expectant look. 

"No, of course not. We just want the moonstone." Damon assured. 

"According to Rose's friend Slater, there's a way to destroy the spell that Klaus wants to break." Stefan informed her and I winced, realizing that Slater was probably dead. 

"No spell, no doppelgänger sacrifice. Ergo, you live." Damon spread his arms out like ringmaster presenting the circus to someone. 

"How do you destroy it?" Elena asked and I could see that she was considering it. 

"By releasing it from the moonstone." Stefan explained and I scoffed. 

"That's all well and good, but you know Klaus probably has prepared for all angles. You don't get to his age without doing that." I reminded them and Elena looked like she agreed with me. 

"How do you guys even know this is gonna work?" She asked, showing that she, in part, agreed with me. 

"Cause we have a crafty witch on our side." Damon reminded us and I raised my eyebrows again. 

"You discussed it with Bonnie." Elena stated and the brothers nodded. 

"She agreed to do anything she could to help us." Stefan assured and I winced, that devotion will end up being her downfall and the reason Bonnie wasn't very respected by her fellow witches in the show. 

"Again, Bonnie may have power, but she's relatively inexperienced. Both Klaus and Elijah would have more powerful and experienced witches on their side." I stated. 

"It's Katherine who has the moonstone. She's not gonna give it to you." Elena said, ignoring my point and I had to admit that her blind faith in Bonnie was the catalyst for a lot of things. 

"We're gonna get it from her." Stefan promised and I tried not to laugh as I thought of him getting trapped inside the tomb for his arrogance. Enjoy Chalet de Church Tomb, Stefan. 

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