husk x heartbroken/touch starved reader

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Requested by:Life_of_a_freak

Looked like you needed a hug

You were sick of this, sick of living, sick of your abusive ex boyfriend calling.

You were a mess, black bags underneath your eyes told everybody in the hotel how well you slept, you cut your hair short because you didn't have the energy and time to brush it out properly.

Speaking of your ex, you both broke up a week ago, why? Well, if you had a dollar for every time he came back drunk, smelling of perfume and covered in lipstick stains, you'd be rich.

Sitting up in your messy bed, you stared at the plain walls, wondering what you were doing here. You didn't believe in redemption, but you also didn't believe in god or the devil.

"Y/n?" a soft voice spoke from outside of your room.

Getting up with a sigh, you step over the pile of dirty clothes making your way to the door.

Opening the door your met with a concerned, furry face.

His golden orbs dart around your room, his wings fluffing up a bit as he shuffled closer to you.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

You spoke curtly, waving his wing off of you.

He frowned looking at your living space, his eyes trained on your now, shattered phone that laid on the floor

"Rough day I take it?"

You nodded tiredly.

"Yeah, anyways-"

Before you could finish whatever you were going to say, you were surrounded by the smell of booze, and feathers.

Husk had encased you in his hold, his wings covered your small figure.

You pressed your hand up against his chest, your nose twitching slightly as you looked up at him.

Your tiny cotton tail standing straight, your long fluffy ears pinned against your head.

Husk smiled, his tail wrapping around your waist.

"Looked like you needed a hug."

Was all he said, slowly coaxing you to wrap your arms around him.

This is nice, you thought to yourself.

Its been so long since someone held you, someone that cared about you.

Your tail began wagging slightly as you released happy purrs and grunts, nuzzling deeper into his chest to hide your flushed face.

You could get used to this.

Word count 372

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