The sound of a chopper enamored you to snap your gaze to the landing turmac area for the aerial equipments here on base or for basic military migrational uses..KorTac..
Price had made his appearance known with a sudden manner of popping out of'd think ghost would be the one with Casper tendacies and not the captain.

You watched them all unload...slowly but surely those black and grey uniforms and that insignia blazened high into the under knowledge of who these people where.

And then there were those crocodilan eyes.
Just staring down at the world from that sniper blanckava he wore...

It's rude to stare.. or so your mother always warned.
It seemed even the giant can't heed that warning.
A Colonel..


An utter mountain of man. And a beast on the field.


Awkward silence after Price murmured harsh welcoming and names to the KorTac soldiers..more so König then the others due to his highest rank standing out of everyone here..until Soap broke it..well..a harsh whisper to your ear..

"Easy laddie...given stares like 'er gonna tear off their heads like ey dog yeah?"

"Sorry, Soap, force of Habit."

Forces of habit.
More Sebring debriefs.
Ammo checks.
Gear checks.
Armory cleanings..
Pack checks..

Forces of habit lead to the rest of your day wasted in preparation to the mission tomorrow..
And you've found yourself exhaust and an empty tank...

And with that, you had slumped into rest. Unaware of the fact that a pair of green eyes had passed by and stared for a mere moment



Utter horror erupted from your lungs as you screamed into the air that swooped any air from your lungs as the entire belly of the helicopter violently threw its self to the left, the tail of helo suddenly jerking to the right after...
And sending you flying out of the stomach of helicopter..

The last thing you saw before you had practically been thrown out of the helicopter was the whites of a familiar green pair of eyes wide with fear and utter horrored shock as his hands just grazed your own.

Within the mere moments of snapping back into reality, you were absolutely gobsmacked on how close you guys were to the ground and more so how fast a metal side roof had broken your fall.
Slamming onto your left with a loud ramming sound, you cried out as the slickened roof as the rain had caused you to utterly have no grip no matter how hard you tried to grasp the roof...and then you felt yourself fall onto you back into the mud with a squealching wet noise and a groan. Your head hurt, and your brain utterly rang against your skull.. and you could just feel something warm trickle down.

Rolling onto your right side, you let out a grunt as your vision swam, dizzy for a few mere moments.. and then, the ringing had faded as well as the vision swimming now gone.

Grappling in the mud blindly for your gun, you lunged forward after seeing the glint of the rifle in the mud..and once you felt it in your hand, you had found yourself thrown against the wall,you back utterly pressed against it like your life depended on it.

You let out a small hiss as your ribs pulsed like a heartbeat..not broken..more or less bruised at most.... the rain is too thick. Like smog utterly covering the senses you had, all you saw was the night and rain pelting down.. all you smelt was the water and sickening smell of flame... fire... Turning all you could feel was the rain feeling like razors on your goosebumped skin... and the blood running down your head..

Red Is The Color Of Our Lives (And Red Is The Color Of Our Blood)Where stories live. Discover now