Chapter 26

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Mu Yao fell directly across the finish line, and her whole body fell to the ground.

There was burning pain in the palms and knees, and the pain was severe.

"Student, how is it? Is the injury serious? Can you move?" The physical education teacher standing near the finish line hurried forward to check.

Mu Yao propped it up with one hand, and was about to respond, when the next second, she was hugged by a tall figure.

"I'll take her to the school infirmary." After Jiang Yan said this, he carried her away.

"Jiang Yan." Mu Yao looked up, only to see Jiang Yan's perfectly lined jaw, "You put me down, I'll go by myself." In front of the whole school, being hugged by Jiang Yan made Mu Yao extremely uncomfortable.

"Are you sure you can walk by yourself?" Jiang Yan hugged her tightly and left the stadium quickly.

Mu Yao lowered her eyes, her foot was sprained, and she really couldn't walk now.

"Thank you," she said softly.

Jiang Yan snorted softly, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

The young man's chest is strong, he is wearing a thin shirt, the scorching heat leaks out from the thin shirt, and the close distance makes Mu Yao's ears feel hot from embarrassment.

Although it was not the first time she was hugged by Jiang Yan, but the last time she was so sick that she was dizzy and unconscious, and she didn't care so much at that time.

The way to the school infirmary was very quiet. At this time, everyone was watching the game on the sports field, and there were not many people on the way.

The sunlight penetrated through the gradually withered branches and leaves, and fell on the path, forming star spots. Stepping on the fallen leaves, Jiang Yan looked down at Mu Yao in his arms, the sunlight fell on her small face, causing her to close her eyes. The two small fans with long and thick curls are fluttering, which is a bit cute.

Going to the school doctor's office, the school doctor checked her. Mu Yao's hands and knees were scratched, but they were not serious. The main thing was that her ankle was sprained, and it was a little swollen. She needed to recuperate for a few days.

"The feet have been bandaged, and the wounds on the hands and knees must be disinfected. Try not to get wet for a few days."

Mu Yao's palm was pink and white, because of scratches, it was covered with tiny scratches, and some of the skin was scratched. When the school doctor applied the disinfectant on it, it hurt so much that she couldn't help shrinking her hands.

"Take it easy." Jiang Yan frowned, and his cold voice was a bit fierce.

"Apply disinfectant, the wound will sting." The school doctor looked at Jiang Yan with a stern face, with anxious eyes, and she smiled: "Why don't you come?"

"No need, I'll do it myself." Mu Yao didn't have the nerve to ask Jiang Yan to rub the medicine on herself.

Seeing Mu Yao's disgust, Jiang Yan's thin lips tightened, as if he was willing to wipe her, he hummed softly, and turned his face away.

"Turn up your trousers." The school doctor said to Mu Yao.

The knees of the sweatpants were not scratched, but there was a big gray stain. Mu Yao carefully lifted up her trousers, her knees were red and scratched.

It stands to reason that she was wearing long trousers, so she shouldn't have scratched her skin, but now she not only scratched her skin, but also hurt very much.

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