Chapter 21: The Next Battle

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A few minutes passed and finally Negan and the rest showed up. "All right everybody you all know the plan. You follow orders from each of the respected leaders. If they make a call I am sure it will be the right one." Negan said walking over to me. "C'mon darling lets go see your daddy" Negan said walking to the other side of the car. I got in and we started driving. 

"You know I really dont like you coming out here. Especially when I guarantee there will probably be a fight" Negan said grabbing my hand. "Well I want to help. And the chances of my dad surrendering is very slim" I said looking out the window. "Oh I know" he said laughing a little. 

We finally made it to Alexandria and no one was at the gate. "They here" Negan said. "Yeah. They are. Some of them at least". I responded grabbing my gun. We got out and everyone grabbed a grenade launcher except me. Negan grabbed his microphone and began his speech.   

"You probably think you already have this war won. But let me tell you, you are nothing. You have no advantage at all. So Rick, come answer the door now. I want everyone on their knees at the entrance and I want apologies. Whoever has the shittiest one will get Lucielle. You have 5 minutes to figure it out." he said. "What if they dont agree" I asked. "We fire" Negan said walking back to the truck. 

"Two minutes. C'mon Rick don't let it end like this." Negan said. 

Nothing. No response. Was this really going to be the end of Alexandria. 

"You brought this on yourself Rick. Torched earth you dick-". "He's not home" Carl interrupted. I looked up and sure enough saw him standing on one of the towers. "Oh hold your fire everyone its Carl. Look at you answering the door like a big boy. I am so proud." Negan said looking at me. "Daddy's not home is he. Well he's gonna return to a big smoky surprise." "There's families in here. Kids. My little sister" Carl said back. "Well that shit just breaks my heart. Theres kids at the Sanctuary. You must've seen 'em. We even had a little baby at one of the outposts. I wonder what happened to her" Negan said. I was confused. All I could do was wait anxious and worried. "None of this shits fair kid. "Hell you know that. You had to kill your own mom. That is screwed up. Ergo we need someone in charge whos willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that shit doesnt happen. Oh wait. Thats me." Negan said. "Bad stuff does happen but we can figure it out. We can stop this." Carl said back. "Oh now you wanna talk. See your dad had it that I die no matter what. He gave my people a choice. Not me. Now were gonna need a new understanding. Apologies. Punishment." Negan said getting to the point. "Kill me" Carl fired back. This made my heart stop. I looked at Negan then back up to him. Negan froze and also looked at me then to him. "What did you say" Negan asked stepping forward. "If you have to kill someone. If their has to be a punishment. Then kill me. I'm serious" Carl said repeating himself. I was shocked. "You wanna die" Negan asked. "No I don't, but I will. It's gonna happen. If me dying can stop this. If it can make things different. For us. For you. For all those kids it'd be worth it." Carl said. There was a long pause. "Carl" I said he just glanced at me. "I mean was this the plan? Was it supposed to be this way? Is this who you wanted to be?" Carl asked. There was a very awkward pause of jsut silence from everyone. Until it was broke. 

A truck rammed through the gates and a few others drove away. All the sudden we looked back up and Carl was gone. "God damnit. Was that just a play I thought we were having a moment you little shit. Bombs away" Negan yelled. Negans men shot the bombs off into the community and a ball of fire rose above the gates. I felt a little better knowing that Carl's speech was just a distraction method to give the others enough time. "We go in find the kid but dont kill him. Blow up every house excepts Ricks. That will be were we are. Negan said grabbing my hand. We walked through the yard. "Damn. Solar Panels. Could've used those" Negan said. I just smilied. "We made it to my dads house and I got curious. "Can I go look for people" I asked. "Why" he said walking around the house. "I wanna look for Carl. I might have the best chance of finding him" I said. Negan clearly didnt wanna do this. "Fine but please be careful" He finally said. "I will" I said as I kissed him and left. 

I was walking the streets and havent seen him yet. Finally I heard a stick break. I grabbed my AR from my back and began to walk closer. I rounded the corner of a building but didnt see anything. I let my guard down when something grabbed me from behind. I felt a hand cover my mouth and start shushing me. "It's me" Rosita said. She loosened her grip and I turned around. "The hell you think your doing" I asked. "Come with me" she said turning around. "Why" I asked. "Just come" she said. She looked upset. I hesitantly agreed

We walked to a sewer tunnel. "In here". She said opening the lid. "You first" she said pointing. I obeyed and climbed down. She followed close behind me. When we both reached the bottom I noticed people lining the floor. I looked at her and she just nodded forward. I began walking and saw everyone. Everyone that probably hated me now. Then I saw Dwight. "The hell are you doing down here" I asked. "Dont tell Negan" Dwight said. I just shook my head and kept walking. I saw Carl at the end. And Judith with Daryl. I walked a little faster and hugged Judith. Then looked at Carl. He was sweating a lot. "Thank god your okay" I said hugging him. He was hot. Like really hot. "Are you okay" I asked. looking down at him. "I'm sorry" he said softly. I was confused and just blankly stared. He reached down to his side and lifted his shirt revealing a bandage. Under the bandage I saw it. Carl was bit. I looked back to Carl and collapsed. "How" I asked tearing up. "Saving him" he said nodding back to the guy I had never met before. I began to cry. Holding his hand unable to even make words out. Then the hatch opened again. I saw my dad and Michonne come in. I just couldnt look. I just kept holding his hand. They did the same walk that I did. Observing everyone that was lining the walls. My dad stopped to look at me but I refused to make eye contact. Then he looked at the man. "I brought him here. Thats how it happened." he said. The look grew on them and I saw how confused both of them were. He revealed the bite and I once again broke. Both my dad and michonne collapsed and we were all stunned. 

Hours passed. Almost a day and I was still with them. We got Carl to the church. It wasn't completely burned. It was pretty much morning and I was exhausted. Negan was probably home worried sick. "Its time" Carl said taking out his gun. "No" my dad said. "I have to dad. It cant be you or Maddy. It has to be me" he said. My dad nodded. "I love you Michonne. Your my best friend. "I love you to Carl" Michonne responded kissing his forehead. "Maddy" Carl said reaching for his hat my dad gave him years ago. "Give this to your baby" he said handing it to me. I took it and smiled. "I love you sis. I'm sorry I doubted you the past few months. I love you" he said. "I love you to baby brother. I love you so much" I said hugging him. I began crying again and walked out with Michonne. She wrapped her arms around me as Carl and my dad said goodbye. We all sat outside. And then it happened. The gunshot. Carl was dead. I just turned around and walked away. Not saying bye to anyone else. Just leaving. 

I wandered for awhile. Hoping I was going in the right direction. Just numb. Exhausted. And broken. I walked for so long until I heard an engine. I saw a truck coming and immediately recognized it as Negans. The truck came to a quick stop and Negan jumped out. "Thank god I thought you were dead." he said running up to me and wrapping his arms around me. "Are you okay" he said looking at me. I just dropped to my knees. "Maddy what happened Negan said crouching down to me. "Carls dead" I said holding out his hat. Tears began to flow out again and I couldnt even believe what I just said. "Hes dead" I said again crying into Negans chest. Negan picked me up and brought me to the truck. He laid me down on the back seat and that was the last thing I could remember. 

It Could Be A Whole Lot Worse SweetheartWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu