Cuddles with Shishiro Botan (Botan x Fem reader)

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A/N: Thank you for over 120 reads on my book! I really appreciate all of the support you guys have been giving me. I hope I can continue to keep you entertained with the story. As I said thank you for the support. On to the story, shall we?

Y/n's P.O.V: It was around 22:00 and I was really bored scrolling on my phone. I really wanted cuddles from my girlfriend but I knew she was doing a collab with Yukihana Lamy. Then I realized my stupidity. 'Wait if Botan is collaborating with Lamy, then i should watch her and Lamy so i'm not so bored.' I went on their stream to see what they were doing. They were playing Doom Eternal. After watching Botan and Lamy play for 2 hours they ended their stream. That is when I decided to text Botan.

Botan's P.O.V: I just finished playing Doom Eternal with Lamy. I stretched my arms and talked with Lamy for a few minutes until all of a sudden I got a notification on my phone. I looked at my phone and saw it was from Y/n. I quickly opened my phone and responded to her.

Phone-kun's P.O.V: 

Y/n <3: I want cuddles babe :(

Botan🦁: Okay kitten, I will be home in 10 minutes.

Y/n <3: Nooooooo that is to long. I want cuddles now.

Botan🦁: Kitten you need to be patient i will be there soon then we can cuddle okay?

Y/n <3: Fine.. Hurry up though.

Botan🦁: Okay, okay. I will be there as soon as possible. Love you kitten.

Y/n <3: Love you too babe.

End of Phone-kun's P.O.V

Botan's P.O.V: "Sorry Lamy, I have to go back to Y/n's house." "It's okay Botan, I understand" "Thanks lamy." I went outside and went into my car and put directions into my phone and drove to her house. I arrived at Y/n's house and I knocked on the door. I heard Y/n say "Come in" I came into Y/n's house and saw her sitting in the house playing Taiko no Tatsujin. I went next to her and said "Hi kitten." She snapped her head around i was surprised her neck didn't snap in half.  She dropped her controller and hugged me. "I missed you Botan" "I missed you too Y/n" She dug her face in my chest before asking "Can we cuddle now please babe?" "Of course, I could use some cuddles right now from you my kitten" 

Y/n looked happy and she dragged me to her bed. She gently pushed me on the bed. I layed on the bed and patted my chest to tell her she can lay on me and she quickly took the gesture got on the bed and cuddled with me.  She was on top of me now. It was surprisingly comfortable as usual. She and I talked about our days and when I was telling her about how my stream went with Lamy I heard light snores. I looked at her and she was fast asleep on me. I chuckled a little and grabbed a blanket and put it on top of us. I fell asleep a few minutes later while cuddling with her.

A/N: That was the longest chapter I did in this book! I hope you guys liked the chapter. Thank you for reading.

Hololive x Fem reader.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt