Ch-1:Unlucky Me I Guess

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If Yuriels luck is a Meter his would be always zero, not in positive nor in negative as he sometimes get his lucky day or an misfortunate time, like now, he just got his VR gamingpod from an 4-hour line in a mall while he was still hungry due to not buying lunch.

As he was walking back to his apartment a spacial crack appeared in front of him, taking him suprised and tripping in.

". . . . . I cannot believe that just after waiting in line for 4-hours, hungry, and wasting half of my saving, I would be falling in a space crack, like what are the fvcking 'CHANCES' that it will appear in front of me" Yuriel says in a tired tone not bothering how is he still alive but contemplating that he wouldve bought lunch a salad or steak.

《Beep! Host detected! Welcome to Gaia Online where you can be anything, anyone you like!》

《Please enter your name!:_______》

As a blue screen popped up in front of him, simillair to the interface of the VR game he bought, as he watched a couple of its videos to know what to Do & Donts in game.


《Confirm: Yes/No》


《Now dear player welcome to Gaia's System as you have been fallen in a Space-Time crack due to some events the System will find a suitable planet for you to grow.》

《Please pick a Class while the System is finding a suitable planet for you.》


《A class that is proficient in martial arts as it uses its body for physical attacks and damage.》

《Primary Skills:Hardened Body, Fist-Fight Combo, Swift Leg Kicks》


《A class that uses swords as its weapon to deal damage to enemies.》

《Primary Skills:Triple Slash, Quick Thrust, Parry》


《It uses its advantage in speed for a recon and deal damage to the enemies.》

《Primary Skills:Poison Coat, Blurry Strike, Stealth》


《Picks off enemies from afar with bows and arrows or guns and bullets.》

《Primary Skills:Triple Shot, Fast Reload, Focus-Shot》


《Uses the forces of nature to its will, binding enemies to drowning.》

《Primary Skills:Vine Bind, Water Bubble Prison, Earth Wall》


《A supporter well versed in the healing arts and buffing its allies.》

In Another World As A Beast Tamer 《BL》Where stories live. Discover now