"I want to be the best father to our daughter."

"You already are, Shaun."

"Even with the fact that I can't stand a very strong handshake for more than ten minutes?"

"Even so. You don't have to worry about that, my mother will be there to hold my hand."

" I will be too."

"Yes, you will. And I couldn't possibly want anyone but the two of you at that moment. I don't want you to think that you need to measure the value and importance you will have as our daughter's father by the things you have done. You have been amazing, Shaun! You are present, you have learned to put your needs aside for hers and I am sure you will be no different when she is born. You love her as much as I do and together we will do everything we can to make her happy. That's what really matters for us to be good parents!"

He left the computer on the table behind us with one hand.
Turning to me, he aligned his legs and put a pillow on them. He gently guided me, holding my broad hips and trimming my back until I was lying completely flat. I stretched my legs out and propped them up against the headboard of the sofa. With his free hand Shaun caressed my belly, doing what had become part of our nightly routine for the past seven months.

"Who do you think she's going to look like?"

"I don't know, she will have genotypes of both of us, so the phenotypes will be associated with both."

"Either way she will be beautiful."


The expected morning we tidied up the room and, as I imagined, the crib matched the color of the walls perfectly.
We hung our old and newer pictures as I convinced Shaun that our daughter would love to see them when she was older. The first teddy bear, Doctor Ted, was placed on the dresser next to the nursing chair.
In the closet the clothes bought by my parents and our friends competed for place but drawers and crosses.

"Mom was a bit over the top. According to the mothers I met in childbirth classes, babies grow so fast that there is not even time to wear so many clothes before they get tight. They advised me not to buy so many, but Mom didn't listen. Despite the exaggeration, she made sure that the baby will have clothes until she is one year old.

"Indeed, your mother has an out of control consumption. But she has good taste and a great sense of security. The stroller she has given us is very safe, comfortable, and can even be used as a comfort baby."

"She, like you, has done her research."

"I think we are done."

We took a step back to look around the cozy lilac space.

"Yeah I guess so. Now can we have a snack? I'm starving."

As I rested on the couch, Shaun went to the kitchen and returned bringing orange and mint juice with whole wheat tuna sandwiches.

"I dreamed about her, Shaun..."

"And what did she look like in your dream? He asked after swallowing the first piece of his bread.
The most beautiful baby I've ever seen!

In my dream__ I told him__ Shaun and I woke up in the morning of a very clear day. The light from outside came in through the opening in the winter garden and filled the house with a blinding brightness.
Suddenly we heard small murmurs coming from the next room. Instinctively we followed the sound until we came upon her, lying in her crib. She raised her wide eyebrows and sparkling blue eyes, as if trying to recognize us, and a second later smiled at us. You picked her up, nursed her to sleep, and we put her back in her crib. Together we stood admiring what a beautiful, small, delicate baby we had made.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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