"I dare you to fucking try!" Trish snaps at me.

"You aren't my father. I'm an adult!" I snap back.

Trish rolls his eyes, "How can you be so fucking reckless? Do you know how dangerous that could have gotten for you?"

"I wasn't in any danger there was always security to protect the dancers."

He looks disgusted, "Can you stop being so naive? It isn't cute."

"Whose trying to be cute? I can take care of myself."

"You're such a spoiled child. What was even the point of that? Your parents give you plenty money! Are you so desperate for attention?!" Trish snaps loudly drawing the gaze of some people shopping nearby.

Caleb takes hold of his elbow imploring him to calm down.

"So?! What if I did want attention? It's my fucking right as I said before I'm an adult. You have zero say in what the hell I do with MY body. Who the hell do you think you are judging me? You aren't my guardian or my boyfriend so shut the hell up!"

We glower back at each other both biting for a fight.

After a minute Trish just backs up turns and walks away.

I cross my arms and turn away so I don't watch him leave.

"The hell is his problem?" I snap.

Caleb takes over pushing the cart.

"He's worried about you and he isn't wrong Arie." He says and I turn to glare at him.

"It's true -he's only saying it cause he cares he doesn't want something bad to happen."

"Bad like what? The club was safe and Bryce never let me go alone. Why is he being so judgy? How dare he try to ride on high horse when I bet he has bedded plenty exotic dancers! He's the slut not me!"

"He isn't judging you. He's only worried about you being in dangerous situations."

"It was never dangerous. It's not like I would be dumb enough to leave with any customers or do something stupid."

"You never know how someone can set you up. Especially in a place that you don't know a lot of people."

"Why are you scolding me now too? It's over, it's the past. Why does it matter?"

"I'm not-

"I don't need this shit!" I snap as I stand up from the cart and attempt to climb out.

Caleb swiftly takes holds of me and I allow him to help me down.


I snatch myself away from his grasp.

"I'm ordering a car home screw the both of you!" I say as I turn and storm away.

"Arie!" He calls behind me but I don't turn around.

When I near the entrance the back of the black Johnny Cash graphic tee Trish is wearing catches my eye. I groan and cross my arms over my chest preparing to continue our argument.

I consider storming over to curse him out more when I realize he isn't alone.

He's having a heated discussion with AmberLynn. Trish is seemingly trying to calm her down as her voice raises.

"You fucking animal!" She spats and as I get closer I see that Trent is a few feet behind her.

I cringe as I take in his disheveled appearance.

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