Author's Note

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Hello to the readers!

I've just realized I was too excited and didn't put an authors note in the beginning, so I apologize for that.

Requests are open! Fee free to leave your requests. The only warning is that I strictly will not be writing any suggestive content. Let's keep things PG here. Both people on this account are minors, so any suggestive requests will be taken away.

To make a request, simply use this form below.

-[GENRE] Fluff, Angst, Romance:
-Character name:

Example fill-out of form:
-Platonic/Romantic: Romantic
-[GENRE] Fluff, Angst, Romance: Romance
-Character name: Chishiya Shuntaro
-Plot: Chishiya realizes he's fallen for you

I sincerely apologize if I cannot fulfill your requests immediately. I also have a life outside of writing, I go to school and won't always be able to write your requests. But rest assured, I'll still write. I'll also leave a reply under your request if ever I've already written it, and I'll be mentioning your user once I've done your request.


Thank you for complying :))

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