15•Holding Hands

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Fluff :)


Dave stared down helplessly with crushed love at Kurt's hand. Since the two are sitting side-by-side of each other.

On the sofa, Kurt wasn't paying attention. Rather he is having a conversation with Krist.

He loosely has his hands placed onto his tucked up knees. A few beaded rings on Kurt's fingers.

He recently created them and Dave looked at them in awe. Especially the blue one - it looked to be of a moodring. This ring was on Kurts ring finger.

"So, Besides the whole plan with the tour. How are you holding up, got any new songs in mind?" Krist spoke towards the blonde frontman.

Dave was blocking out Krist's part of the conversation. Mainly focusing on the soft raspy voice that Kurt has as he heard the reply,

"Oh, yeah. I've been thinking of a few..so we can record in the studio. But some are just stupid. They can be on demos." Kurt replied.

Dave sighed. A small frown rises onto the drummers face. "Kurt, you're an excellent artist! What do you mean, stupid?" He butts himself in.

Krist chuckled. "I agree with Dave, maybe some might not be good for an actual album. But they can still be created onto demos. But none of your work is stupid, Kurt." He added.

Kurt huffed. "Well, you know what I meant." He leaned back and extended his legs down. A small smile on his face as he kept his hands placed on his knees.

Dave slowly looked back down to Kurt's hands. Staring deeply at the details of Kurt's hands.

Kurt has some callouses on his fingertips from guitar playing, and with long, boney fingers. Chipped red nail polish on them.
And a few beaded rings on his pointer, middle and ring fingers.

Dave felt himself fall even harder for Kurt once his gaze looked at the frontman's facial features.

Staring deeply at Kurt's stubbled face. How golden his hair is. How it is swayed calmly still and just a bit above his shoulders. Eyes so bright. Just like a diamond ocean. A deep shade of cerulean blue.

Krist glanced over at Dave. Noticing how the drummer is gazing at Kurt. Full of love. He stifled a laugh before he turned his attention back to Kurt.

"So, when do you think these can be recorded out?" Krist asked. Kurt yawned, obnoxiously dramatic as he slumped himself down.

He laid his head onto Dave's thigh. Croaking out, "Oh I have no idea. Maybe in a few weeks. Likely bet then. Cause.. I'm procrastinating." He giggled as a smile rises to his face.

Krist laughed along and shakes his head. "Of course you are." Dave felt his heart stop. He quickly darted his head down. Looking at the blonde boy that is laying on him.

He slowly placed a hand onto Kurt's thigh. Patting it and rubbing it affectionately. Kurt didn't seem to mind.

His cheeks tinted a light rosy pink. Krist watched the two and chuckled. Before yawning himself and getting up.

"It's getting late, I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up too late, night guys." Krist acknowledged towards the other bandmates.

"Night, Krist!" Kurt called out. Keeping his head laying on Dave's thigh. But soon scooted himself closer. Now laying his head onto Dave's lap.

Dave lifted his hand off Kurt's thigh. He placed it onto Kurt's back instead. "Night!" Dave told Krist as the bass player went up the stairs.

Kurt hummed softly. Feeling exhausted as he raised one of his hands. "Hey, Dave?"

"Yeah?" Dave looked over. Leaving his gaze away from the stairway and now back at the blonde.

"Do you like my rings?" Kurt asked with a heartwarming giggle afterward. Wiggling his fingers. Showing the beaded rings. Especially the moodring.

Dave nodded. "I actually do. Alot. Did you make those?" He asked. Kurt nodded. "Yeah, I found some beads in a little box that was hidden with my other crafty shit. Made some of these."

"You just make art with anything, don't you?" Dave asked as he looked at Kurt's hand again. Admiring it.

Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "I mean, yeah. I've always made art. Hell, I used some trash one time and some bullshit news articles and uh, just random stuff. And I made some cool little collage thing. I don't have it anymore. Lost the damn thing."

Dave chuckled softly. "It's awesome that you make things with literally anything. You're so creative. It's cute."

Kurt snorted out a laugh. "Being sappy, aren't ya?" Dave rolled his brown eyes. "Not necessarily sappy - but more amazed."

The blonde sat up. But once he did - he froze. Noticing how close he is to the drummer now. Their lips inching apart.

Dave froze as well. His heart picking up the pace. His cheeks warning up into two cherries.

"Um." Kurt squeaked out. Almost embarrassed from being this close. Dave decided to make a move.

His hand went down and held onto Kurt's. Tangling his fingers with the blondes.

Kurt held Dave's hand, too. Dave blushed harder. Feeling the soft hand holding his own.

"Are we..holding hands?" Dave asked, out loud. Which isn't unusual. They're use to showing affection to each other.

Even if they're just friends.

But Dave didn't want to be 'just friends'. He wants to be more than that. He feels a strong connection for Kurt.

Kurt got himself shy. He timidly smiled and nodded his head. Dave glanced down at their hands.

They can feel there breathing hitting each other's lips and faces. Dave's brown eyes gazed lovingly at Kurt's hand being held by his own.

Looking at the rings as a small smile rises on his face. Kurt shifted himself closer. He pecked Dave's lips.

Dave snapped his eyes up once he felt the little kiss. His face turned red. Like a tomato. Kurt's face did the same.

"I'm sorry!" Kurt panicked. He was about to move his hand back but Dave squeezed onto it. Preventing it to move away.

"No! It's okay!" Dave reassured. Just as flustered as Kurt is. Kurt relaxed. Dave started to brush his thumb on top of Kurt's hand.

"It's okay." He whispered as he leaned in. He kissed Kurts lips. Kurt melted into the kiss. Returning it.

Their lips moved in sync with each other. For a few moments. Then they pulled back with a small smack sound.  The sound was the only thing heard in the silence of the living room.

Other than the tick-tocking of the clock and the bandmates's breathing patterns.

Kurt and Dave bit there lips. Savoring the others taste before they leaned back in.

They kissed again. Full of passion and softness for a few more moments before Kurt pulled back.

"I don't understand..what the fuck are you doing to me?" Kurt asked, feeling naïveness of his lovingly feelings for the drummer.

Dave chuckled softly. "I can ask you the same thing." He murmured. He leaned back in. He kissed Kurt.

Kurt returned the kiss. Then, he pulled back. "I don't understand...why?" He whispered out.

Dave takes a hold of Kurts hands. Lightly squeezing them as he looks into Kurt's blue eyes.

"Because I love you." Dave replied. Kurt broke into a smile. "you love me?"

Dave nodded his head. "Yes, so much." Kurt leaned in and kissed Dave's cheek. "Hey Dave?"

The drummer looked at Kurt and raised an eyebrow. A small smile resting on his face. "Yeah, Kurt?"

"I love you, too." Kurt replied.

The two kissed each other again and then pulled back. Holding each other's hands.

Falling asleep together on the couch.

Hands held.

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