✦✧ Bonus Chapter 4 ✧✦

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Jungkook was laying on bed as doctors recommended he should sleep more. Jin was smiling at the small boy in his arms. Finally he got the turn all have gone after cooing and congratulating them.

"aww my jonie. So cute. Same like me. Really? But you got appa's nose. Aww"


jin turned his head to his husband who was mumbling with closed eyes.
So jin hurried standing on his right side caressing his head with free hand.

"lovie? "

jungkook slowly opened his eyes and smiled in daze.

"look love. Our baby... "

it took some seconds for jungkook to open his eyes rightly.

"joniee.. "

jin smiled placing jonie in jungkook arms who started to have tears in his eyes.
Jin smiled leaning down kissing his head wiping the tears.

"you did great baby. I am proud of you. "

Jungkook nodded caressing his baby face with his index finger.

"he looks like you. "

jungkook mentioned after so much observations. Jin was sitting on a sofa that he had pulled closer to jungkook bed while jungkook was laying with baby in his arms.

"and your nose. "

jin finished pecking his husband nose than lips.

"should we try feeding him.? "

Jungkook asked when baby started to cry lowly.

"sure.. A minute. "

Jjn went towards the door closing it and then walked back to waiting jungkook. Helping him to adjust on bed he carried the boy letting jungkook open his gown.

"here you go"

jungkook sighed closing his eyes Feeling tireness in his eyes.

Jin placed jonie with lots of care near jungkook nipples and stared when the baby started to latch on his nipples.

It took minutes for that. Jungkook gasped and opened his eyes full of tears. Jin sat with him on bed caressing his arm..

"i am so proud of you love... "

"i love you.. "

"i love you more. "

The duo stared at the baby who was getting fed and jin was running fingers on his arm with kissing his hand.

"jonie is asleep... "

Jungkook mumbled closing his eyes. Jin smiled and held the baby placing jonie in the crib then covering his husband who whined holding his hand.

"don't go jinnie.. "

"i won't baby. "

Jungkook nodded slowly holding his husband intervened hands on his chest dozing off.

"aww our son. "

Namjoon held his son helping him to walk inside the room. Jungkook looked at all in the room smiling a little wincing at the pain from operation.

"lemme carr-"

"no no. I am fine.. I need to walk a little. "

Jungkook protested and walked slowly while jonie was held by his grand parents.
Jungkook smiled at daehyun who sat beside him.

"are you hurt uncle? "

"a little sweetie. You met jonie? "

"yes i did. He is so cute. "

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