Chapter 9: Change in heart

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"You know Isha, I'm always a little bit fond of diamonds since I was a little girl, but we are not capable to afford such luxurious crystal back then, I remember I cried for a whole day when got to know the crystal in my wedding ring is not diamond, how silly of me!" She chuckled looking at the elegant necklace in her hand, then continue again,

"When Adi's grandpa came to know about my fuss over a diamond ring he came to me and holding my hands he promised one day the only jewellery I wore would be diamonds, and the determination in his eyes made me believe him. It takes a lot of time but he kept his promise and gifted me my first diamond necklace at our 25th anniversary." She finished with a proud smile and tears in her eyes while tracing her fingers over the precious stones.

"It's my favourite jewellery and I kept it for a long time, so now it's time to pass it to someone who took care of it on my behalf." She said as she handed me the box and my mouth almost dropped in shock.

"It's yours now." She smiled at me and I shaked my head in denial, there is no way I can accept such expensive gift, not after hearing such touching story behind it.

"No Dadi, I can't accept it, it's really precious and valuable to you, and you have done so much for me already I can't take this." I said pushing the box in her hand. But she scolded me lightly and said,

"I insist Isha, it's a present you can't refuse it, just consider it as a blessing from me and grandpa." At those words I couldn't say anything further, it's of no use, she wouldn't listen to me anyways, so I smiled reluctantly and took the present.

"Come on Adi help Isha put the necklace on." My eyes widened as I never thought of wearing it right now or ever, I've accepted it just to keep it safe somewhere but her request made me stunned. I hesitate and going to refuse but Aditya beat me at it,

"Sure." He said out of my expectation and picked up the necklace with both of his hands from that velvet box and go behind me. He placed it perfectly at my neck and I gathered all of my hair to one side so he can hooked it properly. His fingers get in touch with my bare nape and my body is again decorated with goosebumps, I'm sure he noticed it too. After fidgeting with the hook for few second he finally manages to lock it up. His fingers linger a little bit on my skin before he leave to stood beside me again.

 His fingers linger a little bit on my skin before he leave to stood beside me again

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Beautiful, as I've expected." Dadi beamed at me loudly while clasping her hands together. I smiled slightly touching the elegant piece in my neck.

"Now you are perfectly ready to go for the gala." Dadi nodded in approval and it took me a moment to realise what she said.

"Gala? What gala?" I voiced out my confusion frowning my brows. Just how many surprises I got in one single day? Dadi gave me an shocked expression then turning her focus to Adi and asked him in disbelief.

"Don't tell me Adi that you didn't even told Isha that you are taking her to company's year ending gala with you?"

My eyes widened by hearing that, he is taking me in a party? So that's why he asked me to wear such extravagant gown out of nowhere. Why is he so mysterious? He could have told me properly about that when I asked him earlier. It's not a top secret to keep like that, all the time I felt so angry at him that he forced me wear such dress only to go to see Dadi.

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