After School<3

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♡ This is a part two of "Detention" from the last chapter! ♡ There is some lemon in this story

Kokichis Pov:

"Well shit! All thanks to your horny ass we got ANOTHER DETENTION!" Shuichi grinned at me and shrugged. "Well? Are you gonna apologize or are you just gonna stand there and be a little bitch?" He glared at me. "Im sorry? Mind saying that again?" I glared at him "Shut up.." I kept on mumbling until we got to our dorm room. Shuichi grabbed to keys and we went inside. Shuichi mumbled something. "Hm?" He looked at me from across the room. "Nothing.." I swear this bitch..i went to my room and locked the door.

(Timeskip to a while later since I'm lazy af)

Shuichis Pov:

After a while, I noticed that kokichi was still locked up in his room. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. No answer. "Kokichi?" No answer. I ran to the kitchen to grab a butter knife and lock picked the door. The window was open and there was no kokichi in sight. "KOKICHI?!?!?!?" I ran out the door and out of the dorm areas as fast as I could screaming and yelling kokichis name. Why the hell would he run off? Was he that mad at me to leave? He probably knew that I wouldn't let him leave if he tried to (Yes shuichi is is possessive in this au😒)  I turned to corner into an alley way and saw kokichi. "KOKICHI?!?!?!" He turned around with a cigarette and looked shocked. "shuichi?!"

Kokichis pov:

"Shuichi?!?!" I stared at him. "The hell are you doing here?-" "I think I should be asking you that" i glared at him. After a while we finally went back.

(Time skip to Saturday)

Shuichis Pov:

"So.. Why did you run away yesterday?" Kokichi glared at me. We are on our way to the office for detention and he looked even more pissed at me than yesterday. "I was TRYING to skip detention but SOMEBODY HAD TO FIND ME!" I leaned close to him and whispered "I mean someone would have to find you either way so.." I took him in the bathroom and made out with him" 

Kokichis Pov:

"" "mm.." After a while we let go of each other. Then we were back to it. It's been about an hour were late for detention. We were so into it that we didn't even hear the intercom call our names for 30mins. We also didn't hear the principal walk in the bathroom. Nor did we see her. "" we were on the floor practically eating each other. "SHUICHI, KOKICHI, OFFICE!" I jumped off of Shuichis lap and Shuichi gets up. 

Shuichis Pov:

Anddd we were in the office. In detention. "So, would you like to explain why you attempted to skip?" I wanted to say something but kokichi was glaring at me so I kept shut. We ended up getting another detention and our parents were called. "Soo, you wanna stay at my house for a bit?" He nodded. "I think my parents would kill me if I walked in there now since they told them about the bathroom thing." We walked in my house and I realized. "wait..they told our parents about that?!?" "You didn't hear them talking?" Oh shit..I'm screwed.



☁︎SaiOuma/OumaSai Oneshots &lt;3☁︎  (PAUSED)Where stories live. Discover now