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He threw the child into the water, ignoring Steve and Y/n's pleads for him to stop. He ran further off, the pair now slightly unsure with what to do. "You go, I'll help him." Y/n nodded, Steve debating before taking off, running after him. They peered over to see the ginger boy looking back up, paddling. "Go get him! I can swim!" he assured, Y/n sighing and shaking their head before running in the direction they saw Steve go. They saw him pull his device out, a submarine of some kind coming out of the water before he got in, driving it away.

"Steve!" they called knowingly, watching as they both ran along the pavement, next to the submarine. Steve jumped off, landing in the water and swimming after him. "You have got to be kidding me." Y/n groaned, jumping into the water and following after. Steve looked back, seeing Y/n before swimming forward, grabbing the top of the submarine catching Fred's attention who looked distraught as he saw the super soldier. Steve smashed the window with ease, the man now flinching as it filled with water, running out of air.

Y/n lifted the opening up, pulling him by the scruff of the neck and heading up to the surface. Steve threw him up, allowing him to land on the pavement with a loud grunt before the two soldiers followed, climbing up the ladder. He lunged at Y/n, Steve stepping in and punching him, sending the vial flying and breaking in half as it collided with the ground. Steve grabbed him by the side of his jackets and shook him. "Who the hell are you?" he yelled, looking at the man in disgust and confusion. "The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." he responded, grunting and shaking his head. His mouth foamed as he struggled to breath. "Hail Hydra." were the last words he got out, confusing the two.


"The Fuhrer is not accustomed to being ignored, Herv Schmidt. He funds your research because you promised him weapons." Someone informed him while they walked down the hallways in groups. "You serve at his pleasure. He gave you this facility as a reward for your injuries." another reminded, leading him to scoff at his words. He shook his head and continued walking, not sparing them a glance. "Reward? Call it what it is. Exile. I no longer reflect his image of Aryan perfection." he answered, scoffing at the men's words, knowing that this is what they had been fed to know.

The first one stopped in his tracks, setting eyes on the red skulled banner and standing in front of a guard. "You think this is about appearances?" a third asked, the voices still loud even though they were distant. "Your Hydra division has failed." Schmidt is informed, the guard looking back at the first man who shook his head angrily and jogged down the hallway to catch up with the group. "To deliver so much as a rifle in over a year. And we had learned through local intelligence you had mounted a full-scale incursion into Norway." he lectured, Schmidt not really listening anymore. "The Fuhrer feels...how does he put it? Oh! 'The red skull has been indulged long enough'." he mimicked, the group stopping in their tracks as he did.

Schmidt turned around, scanning at the group. "Gentlemen, you have come to see the results of our work, hmm?" he asked, looking around as they all looked back, nodding at his comment. "Let me show you." he instructed, walking ahead through the double doors into the lab. "Hitler speaks of a thousand-year Reich, but he cannot feed his armies for a month." he commented, walking towards his machine. "His troops spill their blood across every field in Europe but still he is no closer to achieving his goals." he retorted, pulling the cloth off and revealing his machine. One of them chuckled, shaking their head at it.

"And I suppose you still aim to win this war through magic?" he teased, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. "Science. But I understand your confusion. Great power has always baffled primitive men." Schmidt said, the two stood looking offended at his words. "Hydra is assembling an arsenal to destroy my enemies in one stoke, wherever they are, regardless of how many forces they possess, all within a matter of hours." he told, playing with the machine deck in front of him. "Your enemies?" he questioned, unsure of what he was referring to and glaring at the man, knowing it was not for him.

"My weapons contain enough destructive power to decimate every hostile caporal on Earth. Quite simply, gentlemen, I have harnessed the power of the Gods." he informed, the pair looking between each other and clearing their throats. "Thank you, Schmidt." the general answered. "For what?" he questioned, looking at the third man who had moved to the desk, peering at the map that was spread out over it. "For making it clear how obviously mad you are." he answered, unaware of his gaze. "Berlin is on this map!" the third man shouted, pointing at it in the map where a pin struck through it. Schmidt pressed a button, the machine moving and pointing at this man.

"So it is." Schmidt nonchalantly responded, looking at the trio unfazed as their faces changed to betrayal and anger. "You will be punished for your insolence! You will be brought before the Fuhrer himself!" he continued shouting before the room fell to silence, the gun shooting him as he turned into mini strands in the air before disappearing completely, the other two now shouting and running for their lives. The general tried to run before he shot at him, following the first man while the other one ran to the door trying to get it open. He pulled and pushed, trying every lock but none working to his will. "Schmidt!" he shouted, bracing himself for the impact as he was shot at, also disintegrating. "My apologies, Doctor, but we both knew Hydra could grow no further in Hitler's shadow." he admitted, not turning to face the man.

"Hail Hydra."

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