"What happened to them?" I found myself asking. Curiousity is a cruel mistress.

"They were on border control when they were ambushed by rogues. There were two other wolves there, but none of them survived. By the time we got there, there was so much death, so much blood. There were about twelve dead rogues. It was clear it was meant to be a mini invasion or maybe even plain suicide." Zane finished.

"That's awful," I whispered. The whole thought of what happened had my stomach painfully churning as bile rose to my throat. They fought so hard and saved everyone but lost their lives in the process. What their families went through must have been unexplainable. The grief, the pain, must have been overbearing. Poor Ryan. "What happened to Ryan?"

"Well," Nolan sighed," His aunt and uncle took him in. They treated him well too, and I guess he blended in with their family so well. However, time doesn’t always heal all wounds. Sometimes, it only makes them bearable, so it wasn't a surprise when he joined the warriors the following year. It didn't help that he didn't meet his mate either. I guess to himself, he was alone and had no one to live for. He also respected his parents' jobs quite a lot, so I guess with everything, the warriors became a good distraction for his loneliness and brought him some comfort to some extent."

"Do you think having Melanie will help?" I asked.

"Defintely," Nolan nodded," Nothing heals one like the bond shared between mates."

"That's good," I sighed in silent relief. "He seems like a good guy."

"He is." Nolan sighed. He gently gave my hand a squeeze as we stopped in front of a lovely looking restaurant.

"Do you think this is a good place for dinner?" Zane asked.

"I'm sold." I shrugged.

"I'm not going to bother with you." Zane raised a knowing eyebrow at me. I silently shrugged in response because that was the best choice. If my mate is happy, I'm sold so if this is where she'll be happy....let's dine.

"Good evening," The host greeted us the minute we stepped in. "Table for three?" He enthusiastically asked. He was so cute! Don't get me wrong, I'm still 100% committed to Zane and Nolan, but  I'm still a huge sucker for cute things and people, too. The poor guy was taller than me, but shorter than the two men at my sides. His head was decorated by inch long, brunette locks that complimented his hazel coloured eyes. His build was slim but well suited for him. He had a fitting but not tight red shirt that had the restaurant's name on his left breast and his name tag on his right breast. The logo had a spatula underneath with the name 'Mark & Sandy's grill' on top in black. His black trousers were covered by the black apron that was tied around his waist.

"Yes, please." I smiled back.

"Do you have a sitting preference?" He cutely tilted his head to the side.

"Anything is fine." I assured.

He smiled and nodded in response before grabbing three menus and guiding us to our table. He walked us to the back of the booth and up a staircase. He then guided us to the back before stopping in front of a table where I knew I would enjoy sitting.

"Here we are," He gestured as we stopped in front of a square shaped table with four seats. The best part about it was that it was near a window where you could see down below. You could see people walking with children and couples laughing with each other. It was a good seat. "I hope this is to your liking?"

"Defintely!" I grinned at him," Thanks."

He sweetly nodded before placing the menus on the table. The guys happily guided me to the chair that had its back toward the window while they sat on either side of me. Of course, Nolan pulled the seat out for me first before they both sat and faced the waiter who moved the extra chair to the space next to our table before returning.

"I'll have a waiter here in a second." He smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled.He politely returned my smile before leaving us to our silence. "He was so nice."

"Don't." Nolan threw me a pout.

"Why? He was." I giggled.

A throat clearing in front of us had us eyeing the fairly awkward teenage boy that now stood at our table. He had his notepad and pen in hand already as he shyly looked at us. That was fast - a minute, for sure.

"I'm sorry," He squeaked. "I'm Ja-a-son a-and I will be y-your waiter tonight." He didn't look far from my age. In fact, I think I'd seen him around campus a few times.

"Can't we get a waitress instead?" Zane said in a gruff voice.

I gently slapped his thigh under the table in disapproval while throwing a smile at the boy. These wolves can be dramatic.

"Ignore him. He's just going through something," I awkwardly laughed," Could I get a glass of tap water, please?"

"W-with o-or w-wi-itho-out ice?" He awkwardly stuttered.

"With," I responded," And some Sprite. I'm not sure about these two, though."

"I need a glass of red wine." Zane grumbled under his breath.

"Water." Nolan sighed.

The poor guy quickly jotted the orders down on his notepad and all but ran from our table.

"Rude much." I threw Zane a glare before raising my eyebrow at Nolan.

"I'm sorry, Baby, but I tend to get possessive over what's mine." Zane calmly responded, but what caught me was the sudden golden glow that shone from his eyes for a second before completely disappearing.

"What just happened to your eyes?" I curiously asked.

"That my Love, was his wolf surfacing." Nolan responded.

"Why? Did I upset his wolf?" I worriedly asked.

Zane's wholehearted chuckle filled my ears as his hand gently engulfed my smaller one. The warmth that emitted from his soft skin, along with the tingles from our contact, had my skin ablaze with heat as my stomach happily fluttered with emotion.

"You see, Angel, Liam is as territorial and possessive as I am, so we are both feeling rather jealous right now." He smirked while gently massaging my hand.

"Why would you be jealous?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Sweetheart, we simply don't like other men ogling at what's ours, and we definitely don't like when what's ours compliments other men." Nolan gently explained.

As I was about to nod, two large hands planted themselves onto my thighs and gently squeezed the flesh, making a loud gasp leave my lips from the unexpected contact. My heart instantly sped up in embarrassment as I looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to us, and to my relief, everyone was doing whatever they were doing.

"Why would you two do that?" I chastised through my teeth.

"Do what, Sweetheart?" Nolan innocently smiled at me.

"Squeeze my thighs!" I whisper-yelled.

"Oh my!" Jason's quiet gasp appeared, instantly making my attention shoot over to the waiter I had not seen standing there. My heart almost immediately dropped to my stomach as my face paled in embarrassment.

Two mischievous grins met my eyes as I looked at both of them for some sort of help, but ultimately, I didn't any from either of them. I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole so I could escape my dilemma.

Jason awkwardly, but quickly placed our drinks in front of us, but before he could ask if we were ready to order, Zane took the chance to put his claim.

"Our girlfriend will have the cheesy grill, chicken pizza, and avocado," Zane smiled at the poor guy while making sure to emphasise that I was their girlfriend.

"And we'll have the Meaty Grill combo with fries." Nolan added.

Poor Jason shakily jotted down our orders before scurring away. It almost looked like he was trying to gracefully run away from a pack of wolves that were chasing him.

Poor Jason, but then again - Poor me.

My Werewolf Neighboursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें