There, he found himself in a small and empty room. There were a few people there including Scarlett.

There was also a pedestal in the center of the room with a ball made out of glass in the center.

"Please put your hand on the ball. If the ball shined then you have the capabilities to awaken your soul. If it doesn't, then you are unfortunately incapable of continuing this test." Said Scarlett with a flat tone. She didn't show any reaction when she saw a small kid enter.


Then, Acht approached the ball and put his hand confidently. He already awakened his soul so he wasn't worried about that. He was, however, eager to know what kind of element affinity he had.

The moment his hand touched the ball, a clear white color illuminated the room.

"You're eligible for the awakening, congratulations. Keep your hand on the ball." Spoke Scarlett.

Acht followed her word and after some time another change happened, the white color started disappearing. Then, the white light was replaced with a violet hue.

The violet light kept on getting stronger and stronger until everyone had to squint their eyes from the strong light.

'Is this normal?' Thought the boy with a complicated look. He was worried about what kind of prank Livia did on him to make him suffer.

After a few minutes, the ball finally started dimming before returning to normal completely.

The boy's eyes shifted to look at Scarlett who was weirdly silent through the whole process. Much to his surprise, she had a whole different reaction than he thought.

Her eyes were widened with deep shock as she gazed at Acht. From that look alone Acht knew it. 'This is going to be a huge pain in the ass.'

"A lost element...impossible." He heard her mutter with the same shocked look. She had never seen something like this before.

"Is there a problem?" Asked Acht warily.

His question woke her up from her shock and made her shake her head.

"N-No, ehem, the element you have the most affinity with is...gravity."


"Yes, gravity. It's quite rare and strong, be proud." She said with a forceful smile.

'Gravity, huh. It seems from her reaction that this isn't just a 'rare' element. I need to know more.' He thought with a neutral expression.

"You can head straight to the second room."

After he left the room, Scarlett looked at one of the people present and said, " Get me every information you know about him. I don't want anyone to find out about his element."

​ "Yes, young miss!" The man shouted before running away. He had no time to waste or his miss would get angry.

'A young kid with an affinity for a lost element. Who is he?' She thought as she looked at the door silently.

This was the moment when Scarlett's interest in this mysterious young man ignited. An interest that will change her future and Acht's future forever.


Meanwhile, Acht, who was oblivious to what he got himself involved in, found himself in another room that resembles the previous one. This time, however, there was only one single person sitting at a table smoking a cigarette and looking at nothing in particular.

"Oh, welcome. I've been waiting for the arrival of someone for a while now." The man spoke with a small smile the moment he saw Acht.

"Are you the one who is going to unlock my gift?" Acht ignored his words and cut straight to the chase.

"Hahaha, yeah, it's me. Now, come closer." The man laughed it off and kept his small smile plastered on his face.

Acht approached him until he was only a few inches away. Then, the man extended his hand and touched Acht's chest.

"It's going to hurt slightly. Don't resist my powers."

Then, he channeled his soul force to his arm and straight inside Acht's body. He felt a strong wave of energy paralyze his body as if he was electrocuted.

The pain was high but tolerable with Acht's strong will. He just clenched his teeth slightly without showing any apparent change in his expression.

"We're almost done." The man said.

Then, an even stronger energy invaded his body and the pain intensified even more. Yet, Acht kept his stoic face not even allowing a groan of pain to come out of his mouth.

"Aaand that's it. You have unlocked your gift. You can now use it properly, just think of the name of your element and you should be able to activate it." The man said with a smile as he pulled his hand away.

"Ok. Where should I head now?"

"The door is over there. It will lead you back to the reception. They will explain everything else."

Acht looked at his hand briefly before shaking his head and walking away. He wanted to try his gift but he scratched that idea.

'It could end up with a disaster. I will try it when I am alone'

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