8•Snuggles & Cuddles

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Fluff :)

It is raining outside. The curtains are shut. There, the two males are laying in Dave's bedroom.

His brown eyes looking at Kurt with love. His hand went up and started to play with Kurts greasy blonde locks.

Feeling the oiliness it didn't really bother Dave. Kurt has his head laying on Grohl's chest. Allowing his friend to play with his hair.

Dave wished deeply that they are more than friends. But unfortunately he kept these feelings to himself. He is afraid on what Kurt would think. If he confessed.

Kurt sighed softly. Feeling himself relax as he shifted onto his side. Facing Dave with his head still resting on the drummers chest.

A soft hum left out of Kurt's throat. He lifted his hand. Drumming his fingers on Dave's chest.

Dave felt it and a smile tugged up on his lips. "What are you doing, Kurt?" He asked softly. His brown gaze looked lovingly down at the relaxed blonde.

"I dunno." Kurt replied softly. He raised his hand up. Making little circles on Dave's clothed chest.

There was a brief pause. Intense and thick in the room because of how close they are. But the two didn't mind.

"Is it okay if I take my shirt off, kinda hot in here." Dave asked. Feeling his face rush up with blush. His body felt warm. His heart beating quicker.

Kurt nodded his head. "Yeah, t-that is fine." He felt himself get shy. "Sit up, Kurty." Dave acknowledged.

Kurt sat himself up. His face warm as he shyly looked down at the blankets design that the two are sharing.

Dave slipped off his shirt. Revealing his  toned muscular build. The tattoos. Kurt gazed over. He bit his lips. Dave tossed the shirt on the floor.

Dave noticed and raised an eyebrow. "What, Kurty?" He teased, a small smirk rising up his face. Kurt's face burned with blush.

"Nothing!" Kurt snapped out and laid back down. He rolled over. His back facing Dave.

Dave chuckled softly. Seeing this act. It is adorable to him. The drummer laid back down.

He shifted his body closer. He wrapped an arm around Kurt. "Aww. What?" Dave whispered in Kurt's ear. He felt himself grin.

Kurt whined softly. Feeling flustered with the shirtless man behind him. Dave chuckled. "We've cuddled many times, and this one time I'm shirtless you're facing away?" He flirted on.

A small whine left out of Kurt's lips again. Dave chuckled. "Look at me, I like to cuddle when we are facing each other."

Kurt puffed his cheeks out and shifted. He rolled back over and faced Dave. His eyes widen once he sees Dave's bod.

His face turned even more red. Dave raised an eyebrow. "What? Do you have a fever or something?" He asked, more worried now.

Kurt huffed and blurted out. "You're hot! Okay, damn!" He froze in surprise. Dave stared at Kurt with shock.

Dave's stomach twisted with butterflies. He smiled. Leaning close and kissed Kurt's cheek. "Aww...thank you."

Kurt hides his face into Dave's chest. He spat out some profanities in embarrassment. Dave laughed.

"You didn't mean to slip that out, huh?" Dave teased. Kurt groaned and lifted his head. "Well...no. it was meant to be kept in my head."

Dave chuckled. "Cute." He mumbled and kissed the corner of Kurt's mouth. Kurt whimpered softly. His cheeks warmed up.

"What, Kurty?" He asked with a smirk. Kurt bit his lip. Then again. Then again. Then again. Just staring at Dave's lips and biting his own.

Dave realized and placed a hand onto the back of Kurt's head. He pushed Kurt's head forward and smashed his lips onto the frontman's.

Kurt widened his eyes in surprise. Dave started to kiss Kurt with love and deepness.

Kurt closed his eyes. He returned the kisses. Then, pulled back from being surprised.

"That..came out of no where." Kurt shyly muttered. Dave grinned. He pecked Kurt's cheek. "Sorry.. was that too far?"

Kurt shakes his head. "No..I kinda wanted that to happen." He replied. Dave grinned. "Cute.. now c'mon." He outstretched his arms.

"Let me snuggle and cuddle you." He beamed happily. Kurt giggled and laid his head back onto Dave's chest.

Dave wraps his arms around Kurt. Cuddling him close to himself as he left little kisses to Kurt's jawline.

Kurt smiled sheepishly. Enjoying the little kisses he received from Dave.
Kurt lifted his head which caused Dave to stop.

"Hm?" Dave hummed. Kurt leaned forward. He kissed Dave's lips. Dave returned the kiss. "Hey Kurt?"

Kurt smiled. "Dave. I need to tell you something." Dave felt his heart rate increase. "Y–yeah?"

The frontman leaned in. He whispered onto Dave's lips. "I love you." Dave's brown eyes widen as a happy grin rises to his face.

"You do?!" Dave exclaimed. Feeling immensely happy that this is been told. Kurt shyly nodded his head.

Dave tightened his held. He pulled Kurt on top of him and cuddled. Kurt giggled.

He laid his head back on Dave's chest. Dave leaned his head down and kissed Kurts greasy blonde hair. Taking in the scent.

Even with the greasiness, Kurt's hair smelled very nice. Which shocked the drummer but overall he enjoyed Kurt's scent.

"You smell nice." Dave mumbled and kissed Kurts head. Kurt giggled and lifted his cerulean gaze. "yeah?"

Dave nodded. "Yeah..."

The two giggled together and then went silent.

Holding each other and enjoying each other's presences.

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