Xialing: "What are you talking about?"

Wenwu went behind a wooden chair, and rests his hands on it.

Wenwu: "I was sitting right here in this seat, deep in my research… and she spoke to me. It was like she was standing in this room. I could feel her breath on my cheek and her hand on my back. She told me she needs my help"

Shang-Chi: "To do what?"

Xu Wenwu: "To save her from her people. After we fell in love, your mother wanted us to live in Ta Lo. She asked permission from the elders, and they refused. They said I wasn’t worthy. She would still be with us. We would all be living there together. Ta Lo did this to us. They locked her behind that gate to punish her. Don’t you see? She’s leaving clues for us. She wants us to find her and bring her home, so we can be a family again"

Shang-Chi: "Dad, Mom’s gone. She’s not talking to you from behind a gate, and she’s not leaving any clues for us"

Wenwu opened a small wooden box, and pulls out the amulets that once belonged to shang-chi and Xialing.

Xu Wenwu: "Then what are these?"

Moving to an open air room, wenwu moves to a wall with a dragon carving. Kneeling down, he places the emerald amulets into the empty eye slots. suddenly, the wind begins to pick up, as water bursts from either side, however, it's as if time slows down, but for the water only. Then, the water falls to the floor, as it takes the shape of a forest, with a glowing light leading around like a puzzle maze.

Xu Wenwu: "The passage to Ta Lo is guarded by a moving maze. But there’s a direct path through the forest that only opens once a year on Qingming Jie. To get through, you need to know the route and the exact time it opens"

The light leads to a seal like entrance, causing the light to trail over it. As y/n took a closer look at the main trail with the light.

Wenwu: "Now I know both"

The water goes away, as wenwu walks to the open part, with his men walking forward.

Wenwu: "Three days from now, we will rescue my wife from her prison and bring her home"

Wenwu's men cheer, as wenwu turns to shang-chi.

Wenwu: "This is why you’re here. To help me bring her back to us"

Xialing: "And what happens if they don’t let you open the gate?"

Xu Wenwu: "We’ll burn the village to the ground"

Shang-Chi: "What? You can’t just march into our mom’s village with this bullshit. I mean, do you have any idea how insane-"

Before shang-chi could finish, wenwu grabs him by the arm, and flips him into the field in front of them. As wenwu walked towards shang-chi, Xialing runs up and grabs his shoulder, only for wenwu to grab her hand, and flip her over his shoulder, landing right next to shang-chi.

Katy: "Hey!"

Shang-chi and Xialing then had several weapons aimed at them, with two men grabbing Katy, and takes her away.

Katy: "Where are you taking me?"

Another man went to grab y/n, but the poor man's hand was bitten by zed, who was ready to rip off his arm at a moments notice. However, y/n snaps his fingers, causing zed to let go, and follow behind them men with Katy in tow. And with wenwu's orders, shang-chi and Xialing soon joined them.


They were now locked behind a metal door, all standing in silence. Y/n was sitting crosslegged, a quiet humming coming from him.

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