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Rusalka's Pov

I heard faint knocking on the door.Slowly I get up and walk towards the door.Going to the front door I opened it.
I was still asleep I looked at the person.

"Are you Ash?"The Female asked

"Yes that is me... How may I help you?"I asked tiredly

" We are here to give you your ID card"The female said

"Oh..Thank you I appreciate it"I said with a small smile

"You're welcome to have a nice day" she said while walking away.

Shutting the door I held the envelope.It had been a whole 2 and a half weeks since I handed them my ID.
Opening the envelope I saw my card.
It had a new date and everything.
Ever since two week I haven't been out of the house.
But now I had finally gotten my ID and driver license.Walking back to my room I shut the door.Placing the envelope down I walked to my closet.
Picking some clothes I changed into them.
Feeling nice and comfortable I put my shoes on.Looking for my envelope I grabbed it and hid it in a box under my bed.Walking out I headed into the kitchen.
Standing there I forgot why I was here.
Looking in the fridge I grabbed a small snack.
Going to the front door I opened it.
Walking out I shut the door.

She hasn't been back in weeks....where could she be.I already made a missing report.
No one has seen her....not even for a millisecond.
I'm scared of what happened.

I thought.Sure I just came back like 2 weeks ago but.She should've been back by now.
Taking my phone out of my pocket I went to calls.
Going to my favorites I clicked Mom.
Waiting the phone was dialing.

"Sorry this person you attempted to call is not able to pick up the phone at the moment, please call again later"

I sighed and looked at my phone.I kept walking until I went to my childhood park.
Entering I looked for a familiar bench.
Then I saw it.It was broken but was still standing.
Going over I put my hand on the cold wood.
Brushing off the snow I then saw a familiar carving.Brushing more snow off I saw my old name carved into it along with my family's name.
That's when everyone was happy at least.It was when I was 4 though.But I guess we are now on our own path.
Sitting on the seat that was left I got back on my phone.
Sitting there I attempted to call, over, and over again.But no one answered, I was slowly losing my mind.
I was on my 13th call until it hung up immediately.
Sitting there confused I tried again.Then it had picked up.

"What the hell do you want, stop calling this number"I heard a guy say

"Sorry but I just need to figure out where my mother is"I said while being nervous

"...look kid, I... what's your mother's name"He asked

"Jessy"I said a bit concerned

"..oh well in that case I may have your mother at the moment"He said a bit confused

"You do!?"I asked happily

"Yes I-"He said

"May I speak to here please? It's really important.I haven't seen my mother in months plus a few weeks!"I said while interrupting him

"Sure...just give me a moment"

Then the phone went quite.Waiting I was glad, he had my mom.

Hopefully she is okay

"Kid...I'm sorry to say but she is not breathing"
He said his breath shaking

"... w-what"I said my eye burning
"Call someone!"I yelled at him

"Okay I will"He said then the phone hung up

I sat there speechless.My eye burned feeling tears in my eye.Slamming my head on the bench I cried silently.
Not caring who would see me, the only person I loved was gone.
After a while I tried to fix myself.But I couldn't I just simply couldn't.After the news I just heard I wish this wasn't real.
Picking my head up I cleaned up my tears.
Then I felt a tap on my shoulder.Turning my head I looked at the female.

"I apologize but have you seen a Windigo anywhere"She asked

She had looked quite familiar, but from where.Then realization had hit me.

"Charlie?"I asked

"How do you know"She asked

"Charlie...I...why are you here?"I asked

"I came to look for you"She said

"But...why though?"I asked hesitantly

"I...can we go to your place for safety?"She asked me

Sitting there I wasn't sure.I sighed and gotten up.

"I guess so follow me"I said while leading her to my mom's house

Secret Windigo (Hazbin Hotel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz