I still felt like today was going to be a good day even though I had to leave Danielle alone in bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Danielle and how the garage is going to go. So far a lot of people are coming tonight and everything that we need is at the house. All the wood and materials and everything is their.

I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to get rid of some of the stress of building this garage. The design has three stalls, a bathroom then a office and like a lounging area so we have somewhere for racing. We can put our trophies and stuff in their and if we need to do some official business we can do it in their.

The day passed by slowly and I was helping Jason close the shop up.

"Are you coming out to my house Jason?" I asked while I was shutting the door. I heard a yes come out of his mouth. "Ok I guess I'll meet you their." Jason said sure and I climbed up in my truck.

My mind never rests I've been thinking about the next project that jack and I have been brainstorming over some time now. Ever since we got our houses we have been thinking about building a track between and behind our houses. Their is plenty, plenty of room and we could space them out so the sound is not to loud at our houses. We were thinking about combining our land and sometime after we build the track we might open it for the public. But that's just a thought.

I didn't even notice that I was already pulling into our driveway. The thought of seeing Danielle put a smile on my face. When I cleared the cherry blossom trees I was completely shocked.

The driveway was filled with cars and trucks and the walls on the garage were almost completely up. Nobody was sposed to be here until after 2 and we were going to start working till later. I parked my truck and ran inside the house which I was greeted by amazing smells.

I placed my keys on the rack and made my way to the kitchen to see Danielle stirring something in a crock pot.

"Hi baby, how was work?" She placed the lid back on and turned to me.

"It's was ok. I had a good day. When did everybody come." Danielle smiled and looked out the window.

"Umm about thirty minutes after you left for work this morning. They wanted to get a head start this morning so they came up and wanted to surprise you. Your dad said that they can most likely pour concrete tomorrow." I couldn't say anything I was just so surprised.

I wrapped my arms around Danielle and pulled her close. I left a kiss on her lips and let her get back to what she was cooking.

"Just letting you know that I love you." She smiled and walked in front of me over to the fridge.

"And I love you to Dustin." I stood their and watched Danielle throw ingredients into a large bowl. "You might want to go upstairs and get changed. Lunch or supper what ever you want to call it will be ready in about 20 minutes." I left a kiss on Danielle's cheek and made my way up the stairs.

I grabbed a old t-shirt and a pair on jeans and made my way back downstairs then back outside. I started helping out where ever I could and we got something's done before Danielle started bringing the food out to the table. Molly placed some pans and bowls on the table to and so did my mom. The last things to come out was the plates and silverware with the drinks in the coolers.

Everybody sat down and ate and we talked about what we would be doing today and what needed done. After we were done eating the girls cleaned everything up and me and the guys got back to working.

Danielle came back out and helped by handing the guys things that they needed and she helped wherever somebody needed her. Around 8:30 we called it a day because the sun was going down and we weren't able to see for much longer. My dad had called the concrete company just in time to schedule for tomorrow morning.

A Racers Love (Rewriting)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя