22- Family day

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Savannah's pov

Life was smooth and better with Lucy every coming day. My exams are starting from next monday and I'm prepared but a bit nervous about grades. Like usual I want to secure good marks for a better career. For now, I try to push those thoughts away as I get ready for the evening. Today is our family day and I decided on wearing a plain blue sundress with small pink flowers that is ankle length.

I heard some noises coming from the living room and recognised mom scolding dad for being childish. Our home is minimally decorated and appetizers along with meal are ordered by Tyler himself. As soon as mom saw me she started complaining about how dad is still hungry after having so many cupcakes on their way here. They make such a cute couple. "Look Anna I'm just asking for a few more cupcakes" dad complained with a pout and I laughed with no care in this world. My eyes watered with laughing so much when a hand slid around my waist.

I turned towards him knowing its Lucy's hand. He was staring with love and adoration that's when my laughter stopped and cheeks turned red. Mom squealed, "awwww my Anna is blushing" which intensified my blush more. I hid my face with my hands when maa and paa entered through the door. Paa ruffled my hair and maa hugged me before gossiping with mom about the upcoming movie. "You look so beautiful while smiling Anna" Lucy complimented and pecked my forehead.

Soon enough Rihanna arrived and started gushing over the cutlery used to serve the appetizers. "Mom, dad, maa, paa she is my best friend Rihanna and Reeh you already know mom and dad so meet maa paa and Tyler-" I was informing that he is late when a voice came from the main door, "who is already here, hello everyone nice to see you all again" he completed with a boyish smile.

A second later a couple followed him and I guessed they were his parents he introduced them to me and Reeh and soon the chatter filled our living room. I felt so content to have a lovely family who cherishes me with attention, love and care.

I felt a light peck on my forehead and turned towards Lucy who was grinning at me. "You look happy baby, this is the only reason we have family day every month" I nodded and replied, "this idea of family day is really good. I hate how i spent my life with a cruel family thinking that's my fortune. I'm blessed to call this family mine."

We both were staring at Rihanna and Tyler when suddenly Bella popped in my head and I asked, "where is Alex and Bella? I can't wait to meet the kids already" that made him take out the phone from his pocket and call Alex.

The twins, Derek and David with their baby sister, Elena is the eye of our family. I already have a good relation with them and thier excitement makes me want to turn into a kid. "They are almost here, let's get you something to eat" I held his hand and we move towards the table.

Soon after Alex's family arrived and the day went on really well maa and paa left first with mom,dad, uncle and aunty as they have a movie night planned which left us with Alex, Bella, Tyler and Rihanna. The kids were fast asleep in our guest room. We formed a circle and talked about light topics when Bella asked a question, "when did you two became friends?" I shared a glance with Rihanna and she understood I wanted her to reply, as that day was a bit rough for me to share.

"A hoodie girl who was almost invisible for the whole school spiked my curiosity and that's the reason I went to make a conversation 5 years back. Yaa she acted tough at the beginning but my charms were always irresistible for everyone" she completed with a wink my side and every chuckled at her funny response. I noticed Tyler giving an honest smile and my hopes of seeing them together went more higher than they already were.

I guess Rihanna had the same question as mine when she spoke up, "how and when did you and Tyler became friends" she asked with a mischievous smile towards Lucy. He was about to reply when Tyler butted in, "I would like to answer that for you my sweetheart" Reeh blushed at his comment and everyone noticed it.

Tyler continued, "we met when we were kids, attending a business party with our parents. It really was boring and still is so we decided to play out, eventually we enjoyed each other's company and started meeting more often as our parents turned from colleagues to best friends."

"Since then he is on my tail and pisses us off every chance he gets" Lucy added while confirming with Alex who in return nodded his head seriously. That made Alex pout and slump in his seat which caused the laughter erupt in our living room.

It was a blissful day with my closed ones and it will forever be etched in my memories. A few more minutes later Bella informed she should take a leave so they both said their goodbyes, picked the kids and left. Reeh  turned towards me and asked me to accompany her to the washroom.

While Tyler and Lucy talked about business we went upstairs in my room. As soon as the door closed Reeh jumped and hugged me I wrapped my arms around her a bit shaken up. "He is so damn hot Savy and a gentleman I should say" her eyes held a different glint she looked genuinely happy. I affirmed her compliment, "yes i agree he is a gentleman with soft as well as funny nature" she nodded her head and thanked me for introducing them. I waved her off and we hugged again before going downstairs.

She started, "we should go shopping tomorrow join me at brunch, I'll text you the address" I had no plans as per now so I agreed and she announced as it is too late she should leave too. Tyler suddenly got up and said, "mum is calling bro, I should leave too" he turned to face Reeh and asked, "should I drop you sweetheart" and she quickly affirmed with a meek yes. They said their goodbyes and we returned for the day. Sleep comes really soon when you are happy and content which I luckily am.

My 21st Bday🖤Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora